Hello, you! This is ENGSPRESSO episode no. 43, finally! This time I'm going to teach you the following expressions: STEP BY STEP & FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. As always, you're going to hear a few example sentences. Make sure you repeat them after me aloud so that you can become more and more fluent in English!
🆕245 English idioms, proverbs & sayings: https://www.angielskidokawy.pl/produkt/idiomy2-kursonline/
☕💻 ENGSPRESSO - fiszkowy kurs online: https://www.angielskidokawy.pl/produkt/kursengspresso/
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📝 Transcript: https://www.angielskidokawy.pl/engspresso-episode-43/
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🎵 Music: Michael Kobrin, Walking with Billie