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Thanks to our amazing sponsor, Kate Hufnagel, aka the Digital Wrangler, we’re starting the year with a focus on decluttering not just our homes, but our digital lives, too. You can check out her offerings here:
Ever wondered if your dreamy, go-with-the-flow nature is just your Enneagram Nine vibes or something more? You’re not alone. Today on This Organized Life, we’re tackling a great listener question: What’s the difference between an Enneagram Nine and ADHD inattentive type?I’m breaking down the key traits of both—where they overlap, where they don’t, and why it’s important to get real-deal medical advice before self-diagnosing. Spoiler: just because you zone out mid-conversation doesn’t automatically mean you have ADHD. But it might mean you should pay attention to this episode.Plus, I’ve got a brand-new organizing resource to share, and a big shoutout to The Digital Wrangler for making digital chaos a little less... chaotic.
Why You Should Listen:- You’re an Enneagram Nine and have wondered if your “chill” might actually be inattentiveness.
- You (or someone you love) struggle with focus and want to understand if it’s ADHD.
- You love a good personality deep dive and want practical insights, not just labels.
- You enjoy hanging out here and learning how to get life just a little more organized.
Key Takeaways:- ADHD inattentive type and Enneagram Nines can look similar—but they come from different places.
- While Nines tend to choose disengagement as a way to keep the peace, ADHD inattentiveness isn’t intentional.
- A professional diagnosis is key—your Enneagram type won’t land you a prescription, but talking to a doctor might.
- Knowing the difference can help you find the right strategies for focus, productivity, and organization.
Links Mentioned in this Episode:Organizing with Digital Tools: Kate Hufnagel’s Course :
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This Organized Life chats with experts and everyday folks like you and me, about life, relationships, parenting, and of course organizing. Grab a front row seat into my organized, but no-so-perfect life as a mom, wife, author, and founder of Simply B Organized.