For the past two years our co-host Chandler has ended each of his podcasts with the same 9 words: “Be authentic, be brave, and have a solid plan”. In many ways, these words summarize so much of Chandler’s entire MBA application philosophy. In this three part series, he will dive deep into authenticity, boldness, and career planning—and how each of these relate to MBA applications. In this episode Chandler talks extensively about how to be bold in your MBA applications. Among other things, Chandler talks about why top business schools are looking for bold applicants and how to: Be bold by centering your passion and being specific, Incorporate bold elements into your career goals, Think about what you want to do with your life, Talk about your accomplishments without sounding like you are bragging, Talk about the elements of your application you are the most nervous about (and why this is a very good thing), Write the essay that scares you, and Decide how personal is “too personal” for MBA essays and interviews.