For the past two years our co-host Chandler has ended each of his podcasts with the same 9 words: “Be authentic, be brave, and have a solid plan”. In the first segment of this series Chandler talked about WHERE YOU ARE NOW as an applicant what you have learned thus far in life. In the second segment he discussed how to articulate bold goals for where you ultimately WANT TO BE. In this critical third segment we connect the dots by discussing how to you GET FROM HERE TO THERE in ways that are specific, tangible, and – perhaps most importantly – realistic. In this episode, Chandler discusses how to: Articulate what you want to get out of your MBA experience, Describe your short and long term career goals, Detail the career stepping stones connecting your MBA experience to your ultimate career objective, Identify and describe your own “career exemplar”, and Pressure test your career plan with an industry expert. Chandler closes the episode by pointing listeners to a range of other free SBC resources for those interested in additional career planning support.