Episode 185 - this week I discuss the industrial property market with Joel Friedland, an expert based out of the Chicago area in the US. What is notable about Joel's approach is that it is done with all cash and zero debt. Why? Listen in and learn along with a ton of other nuggets. I hope you enjoy…
Brit Properties - https://britproperties.com/
Joel Friedland - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-friedland-sior-5508a791/
Work with Gavin as your mentor - https://www.elitepropertyaccelerator.com/coaching
Test your investment readiness - https://eliteproperty.scoreapp.com
Join my mastermind - https://www.elitepropertyaccelerator.com
Join the tribe - https://www.elitepropertyaccelerator.com/stayintouch
BTF YouTube channel – https://youtube.com/@BehindTheFacade
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