Will Quantum Computers Break Bitcoin? A Deep Dive into Crypto’s Biggest Security Challenge
Quantum computing is no longer a distant prospect; it’s a reality. In this episode, co-host Michael Blaschke explores two significant developments that are impacting the relationship between quantum computing and blockchain: Google’s 105-qubit Willow chip and Ethereum’s proactive initiative for quantum resistance, known as "The Splurge."
Based on insights from his recent study at the FERI Cognitive Finance Institute, titled "Quantenzeitalter: Quantencomputing als Gamechanger für Finanz- und Realwirtschaft," Michael discusses the implications of quantum computing for both traditional finance and the cryptocurrency sector. The episode simplifies complex quantum concepts, highlighting how quantum computing poses both challenges and opportunities for traditional finance and crypto.
Understanding Google’s Willow chip and its breakthrough capabilitiesThe fundamental differences between quantum and classical computingHow quantum computers could theoretically break current cryptographic systemsBitcoin’s existing defense mechanisms against quantum threatsThe crypto community’s response and preparation strategiesVitalik Buterin’s vision for a quantum-resistant EthereumPractical implications for investors, institutions, and developersBitcoin, Fiat & Rock'n'Roll Website
Bitcoin, Fiat & Rock'n'Roll Telegram Channel
FERI press release “Quantum computing: game changer for a new information age”
Michael’s analysis “Quantenzeitalter: Quantencomputing als Gamechanger für Finanz- und Realwirtschaft” published by FERI as a Cognitive Comment in German
Recent post by Vitalik Buterin: “Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 6: The Splurge"
Google press release “Meet Willow, our state-of-the-art quantum chip”
Research paper “Quantum Attacks on Bitcoin, and How to Protect Against Them”
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