Do you get tired of the topic of workplace bullying? I sure get tired of talking about it. But you know what? It’s still going on. It wasn’t long ago that an east coast female firefighter committed suicide due to bullying at the fire department. Actually there have been two in the last couple years. And those are just the one’s I’m aware of. How bad must they be treated to get to that point? Personally, I hear from firefighters and even their retired firefighter parents about workplace bullshit. It drives me crazy that here we are, almost 2025 and we still have that much inappropriate and unprofessional behavior at work. It seems like officers and firefighters think the workplace is a private club that they can treat people however they like. It isn’t. This is a job. It’s a profession and it’s a workplace that is funded by taxpayer dollars. Those taxpayers and hopefully your Chiefs expect professional performance. Take a few minutes to listen to this podcast and talk about it with your crew. We have got to do better folks! And as always, thanks for listening.
Episode 101, What we permit, we promote., December 12, 2024