In today’s episode, Karim is lucky to have an amazing guest,who spent really, decades of his life exploring this area of coaching, personal development, communication connection, and how to get the best benefit out of it for individuals and organizations.
Brad Federman
Every day, people wake up and trudge to work, resentfully working at a company that falls short of its promises and values. This is a problem, one that Brad has dedicated his career to resolving. He is dedicated to helping organizations engage employees and customers, build resilient and bulwark relationships, as well as creating collaborative and agile cultures.
As he puts it, his job is to ‘help organizations discover and live their possible’.
This mission has followed Brad throughout his career as an international author, speaker, coach, and consultant with more than 25 years of corporate experience.
As the founder of PerformancePoint, Brad works with organizations and leadership in various industries, including household names such as Nordstrom, FedEx, Embassy Hilton, Mayo Clinic, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation.
Prior to PerformancePoint, Brad was the EVP of Novations Group and has held leadership positions with Accenture and Humana Inc. He is a frequently requested featured speaker at conferences and business meetings worldwide. Some of his literary works include:
Employee Engagement: A Roadmap for Creating Profits, Optimizing Performance, and Increasing Loyalty, Cultivating Culture: 101 Ways to Foster Engagement in 15 Minutes or Less, and a contributing author to 101 Ways to Enhance Your Career. Additionally, Brad has also been interviewed for Fox Business News’ John Stossel Show and articles in numerous publications such as American Banker, Fortune Small Business, Los Angeles Times, and HR Magazine.
Brad earned his B.A. degree in communications from the University of Maryland and a M.Ed. degree in human resource development from Vanderbilt University. He is also a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and serves on several boards.
In today’s episode:
We have a lot of revolving doors in organizations, people leaving and trying to come in and when you ask people, Why they're quitting?
It has to do with things like flexible work hours or having a meaning and purpose in the work, having strong cultures.
But if you read about what's happening in the newspaper companies are trying to solve it with money, with compensation.
Ironically, you might attract people to come to your organization for a higher paycheck, but you will lose them very quickly if you do not create meaning in the work and create a culture that matters.
How important culture is today?
A quote that I came up with, is:
“Culture Is to Recruiting And Retention As Food Is To Hunger”.
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// O V E R V I E W
We always said values were important.
The hierarchy is dead.
We are now a network flat organization.
We're in a diverse world, we got multiple generations.
We might have a team of six people, but they're all in different parts of the world.
What is culture?
Culture is shared norms.
If we don't have shared norms, then we don't have a way to work together.
The more flat the more we are covering areas, and the more together we can create something big.
Culture is defined as ‘’The Behaviours You're Willing to Accept Knowing It's Not About What Someone's Spouses Are, Says, It's Not About What Your Best People Are Doing. It's About the Behaviours You're Willing To Accept’’.
You are as strong as your weakest link. And those weak links show up at difficult moments. That's Culture.
Organizations focus on the wrong piece, what I say they focus on profitability, problems, and process when they should be thinking about people.
When leadership and management want to discuss something and they want something to happen, they still take one direction, a one-way conversation approach.
We value data numbers, practical information a lot.
We've become a little bit more open to the whole emotions thing, but you still hear people say, business is business personal is personal, leave your emotions at the door.
Leadership is all about removing barriers, being a servant to your people, opening up opportunities, coaching, facilitating.
The more we are immersed with the WE, the more we are adding value.
// Resources from this episode:
Follow Brad Federman:
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Go High Ticket: Scale your coaching business to 6 Figures.