And Cam Domasky claims every Jake Paul Boxing match has been rigged.
(And now a rant from Cam):
Cammy usually let's these publicity stunts slide by without objection, but this one hit close to home for both the boys. Mike is a hero. An animal. An inspiration. It's okay whenever he gets old, it's natural and beautiful, but to claim that as evidence for the fight we witnessed is asinine. And the braindead comments all over the internet have elicited an obligatory response
"it's rigged," what kinda whackjobs believe this stuff?? Well here's the reality: the purse offered basically sways the fight; if an opponent of Jake's wins, they're purse is cut in half. If they knock out Paul, even worse. They get paid the most to survive all rounds without winning. This financial incentive, coupled with fighting retired boxers, makes these fights entertainment, NOT sport.
There's a reason Jake is able to fight with his gloves down to complete his reckless, untouchable and fearless facade... he has no fear of being KO'd... because no one in their right mind would actively cut their purse by knocking him out and he knows that.
Did you see Mike's training videos? No? LOOk EM UP. A month before the fight this man is moving, throwing combos and hurting the bag like he's never taken a break. Everyone in media did him SO dirty talking about his age and strength affecting the fight, cause what? You can't say a fight was obviously rigged, and they absolutely needed to justify publicly Mike throwing only 30 pulled punches, stopping mid counter, while still moving and slipping like the champion he is.
We here at Couch Fish LOVE entertainment. And Jake can box! Guy could beat the brakes off both of us together. But please stop falling for these silly narratives; In todays day and age, media literacy is more important than ever. Think critically, ask questions and set reminders to limit your daily social media intake!
Remember, it's okay to be curious, ask questions and fail. Ask people what they think, and WHY they think it. Listen and try to understand. Be kind and educate. And finally, arguing in the comment section has never changed a single mind on the face of the planet. So why aggravate yourself? Argue with an idiot and they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Rise above!
Love you guys, thanks for listening to my TedTalk