Growing up I was overly judged and criticized. I was not allowed to get angry or express myself. I was taught that to get love and approval I had to be perfect or behave in a way that made others happy.
At a young age, I was taught it was bad to have certain emotions. That having those emotions would lead to disapproval. On top blaming myself and feeling guilty for every little thing that happened.
I began to suppress and hold on to those negative emotions. But as you know eventually those emotions have to come out. They erupt out of you like a fiery volcano without warning. The build-up of pressure is so strong that it creates a wave of anxiety throughout your body.
Forcing to release large amounts of the toxic stress hormone cortisol. It feels like an itch you can't scratch. You are left always feeling stressed and on edge, as your body slowly breaks down.
Combined with the compulsive need for love and approval. This will make others see you as over-sensitive and crazy. So why does this happen and how do to reverse it?
In this audio, I will be talking about.
How holding on to negative emotions damage the body
How to stop your body from releasing cortisol into the body.
How to stop the build-up of negative emotions.Join My 6 Week course to stop overwhelming anxiety here.