If asked about trashy differentiation tricks that are touted as best practices, most people might hold back.
But Peep Laja is not most people. Having spearheaded brands such as CXL and Wynter, Peep steamed out hot takes one after the other, without holding back.
"Differentiation has somehow become something you can sprinkle on top. So you're a SaaS company. And then you turn to your marketer or your copywriter and say, ‘Hey, can you add some differentiation on top?’ That doesn't work.
Differentiation is not a line of copy.
It starts with your actual DNA of what your company is about and how it behaves,” he started.
Makes sense, but how do you do that?
What factors can you differentiate on? Are there upsides if you choose to differentiate on brand over pricing? What about customer experience and features? Not to forget messaging and personal brand of key stakeholders.
And don’t even get us started on category creation.
In a tech world with differentiation strategies aplenty, how do you ensure you don’t end up becoming yet another commodity product or service?
Tune in to the latest episode on Cuppa Press to find out!
0.38 - Commonly touted advice on differentiation that is trash
1.49 - Affiliation before differentiation?
10.56 - Feature differentiation
12.28 - Customer experience differentiation
14.31 - Price differentiation
16.22 - Brand differentiation
19.17 - Personal brand (of founders and key stakeholders) differentiation
22.04 - Messaging differentiation
24.17 - Gripe with general storytelling advice
26.12 - Testing for message-market fit
28.20 - A personal messaging failure
29.35 - What shouldn’t be included in messaging
31.27 - Brands standing out with messaging
32.34 - Category Creation
Previously on Cuppa Press
Content Strategy for Dummies
Stories, Vulnerability, and Binge-Worthy Content
How to Build Your Marketing Superhero Suit
A Beginner's Guide to Newsletters
Decoding Presales and Product Management
Selling in This Digital Economy
Content Marketing Playbook for SMBs
LinkedIn, Quora, and Personal Branding
All things Branding
Brand Storytelling for Millennials
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