Transportation Law Symposium Special - Transportation Planning & Land Use II
Today's is the fourth in a mini series of episodes we are running from a first-of-its-kind academic event on law and transportation policy, The Future of Law & Transportation Symposium, featuring scholars from multiple disciplines.
After a brief intro from Greg Shill, each scholar speaks and takes Q&A. The panelists are:
(Suffolk University Professor of Law): “Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Evolving Roles as Transportation Planning Incorporates Environmental and Sustainability Goals”
Noah Kazis (Legal Fellow at the NYU Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, New York University School of Law and the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service): “Transportation, Land Use, and the Sources of Hyper-Localism”
(Professor and Director, Environmental Land Use and Real Estate Law Program, Chapman University, Dale E. Fowler School of Law): “Integrating Transportation Policy into the Land Use Curriculum”
Darien Shanske (Professor of Law, University of California-Davis School of Law)
co-author Deb Niemeier (Clark Distinguished Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering): “Subsidizing Sprawl, Segregation and Regressivity: A Deep Dive into Sublocal Tax Districts”
Follow us on the web or on Twitter: @denselyspeaking, @jeffrlin, @gregshill,
@n_kazis, and Ken Stahl (@kookie13).
The views expressed on the show are those of the participants, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Federal Reserve System, or any of the other institutions with which the hosts or guests are affiliated.