In 2024, only months before the world lost Dr. Nick Hopkins, Host John Murray, sat down with Dr. Hopkins to discuss his innovative treatments in stroke care, the necessity of collaboration and partnerships to advance research and clinical care, and the importance of mentorship and training the next generation of neurosurgeons.
In this special memorial episode, we hear Dr. Hopkins reflect on “not doing everything by the book, but looking around to ask: is there a better way than what’s in the book?” He shares his philosophy on embracing and learning from mistakes that have fueled advancements in neurovascular methodologies and inspired a culture of openness in the medical community.
A champion of mentorship, Dr. Hopkins has acted as a guiding force for numerous professionals, shaping the future of neurovascular surgery. The episode also delves into the ethical and moral compass that underlies Dr. Hopkins’ work, reaffirming the profound humanity that anchors his approach to both his profession and personal life.
To honor the depth of Dr. Hopkins’ legacy, we hear directly from many of his mentees and fellows, including Dr. Adnan Siddiqui, Dr. Ricardo Hanel, Dr. Chuck Kerber, Dr. J. Mocco, Dr. Qureshi, Dr. Raphael Rodriguez, Dr. Demetrius Lopes, and Dr. Ajay Wakhlo on the personal and professional impact he has had on their lives and careers.
Thank you to Zeus for sponsoring this episode of Neuro Innovation Talks. To learn more about how Zeus supports medical device companies, visit:
Special thanks to Dr. Hopkins’s mentees and fellows who shared their stories and to the following for their support in the development of this podcast: Joanna Colangelo, Mark Dickinson, Whitney Garrett, Tracy Murray, SYK, and Dr. Elad Levy.
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