Antonio Neves is back!
I could go on and on about Tony’s achievements and here’s just a short list!
- He’s the founder of the Man Morning community!
- He’s the author of the international bestselling book Stop Living on Autopilot
- Tony’s an award-winning journalist (NBC, PBS, MTV Networks).
- He’s a success coach for married professionals with kids!
- He’s one of the best freeegin’ keynote speakers in the world.
- And he’s an incredible husband to an amazing bride… and he’s a loving dad to two beautiful kiddos!
AND… as of today… he’s a FIVE TIME GUEST on DREAM THINK DO!
In the past… we’ve talked about:
- Surrounding yourself with the right people AND how to do that!
- We’ve talked throughs specific strategies to be a BOLDER… HAPPIER you!
- We’ve also dug into some of the surprising secrets of highly successful people!
- And… in the OG… one of the first podcast episodes I EVER recorded… we talked about how it’s not about where you start… it’s about where you intentionally put yourself.
Whew… it’s a LONG list and it represents some true GOLD. I’ll put links to all of them in the show notes… BUT lately… I’ve been seeing Tony get MORE done…
on stages all over the country… on social media… showing up and offering up true wisdom and heart… AND I’m hearing about fun projects and cool stuff his family is doing… so I reached out and asked, “BROTHER… how are you getting all this done?”
He shot me back a link to the coolest tool!
It’s a tool to help you plan your day… so you can have the best freeegin’ day every day! So we’re going to talk about what he’s doing… step by step. So YOU can have your best day… daily. It’s not too crazy… if you know what you’re doing! Let’s get to it!
Tony’s website:
Tony’s 1 PAGE PLANNER: 1-day planner
Tony’s “Stop Living on Auto-Pilot” bestselling book: Click here
Man Morning:
We talked about the surprising brain-health benefits of weightlifting. Here’s the study I was referencing: Click here
EncouragerCON 2024
Mitch mentioned EncouragerCON to kick off this powerful and fun episode.
YOU might be wondering… “WHAT IS IT?!”
EncouragerCON is our 2.5 day conference for “Encouragers.”
If you are a new or experienced Coach, Speaker or Content Creator… we want YOU there!
Click here to find out more about this incredible event!
We’ll introduce you to the biggest opportunities in coaching and speaking that are happening RIGHT NOW! Along with strategies that you can use… immediately!
With Encourager-CON you’ll be surrounded by your fellow Encouragers AND it will be 2.5 days of proven concepts, innovative new approaches, powerful stories and straight-up fun… so YOU can REACH more people… create more REVENUE and find ways to REST as you do!
And… remember… use the coupon code: “DTD” to get a VERY special discount! It’s time sensitive though… so the earlier you use it… the bigger the discount!
Don’t miss out! JOIN US!
Connect with People Who Will help you Live the Best Life:
3 Keys to Beating a Mid-Career Slump!:
Don’t Rush The Mountain Top:
It’s Not About Where You Start!:
Remember… you can now check out Mitch’s OTHER podcast called “ENCOURAGING THE ENCOURAGERS” anywhere you listen to podcasts.
It’s specifically designed for Coaches, Speakers and Content Creators and provides a quick dose of inspiration, strategy AND… of course… encouragement!
Find it on Apple Podcasts: Click here
Find it on Spotify: Click here
Find it on Anchor: Click here
Find it on Google: Click hereLET’S HEAR FROM YOU!
It may not surprise you at all but I loved this convo!
Tony always brings the wisdom and the heart… and today was no exception!
I’m curious (as always!).
What’s something that stood out to you? What’s something that resonated?
More importantly… what’s something you’re going to experiment with as a result?
I want to hear from YOU!
Leave a comment and let’s hear from YOU!
And hey… keep bringing YOUR awesome!!!