We all lose things now and then. And every loss come with pain.
The degree of pain depends on how much attached we are to whatever we have lost or whoever we have lost.
The more we love it or are attached to it the more the pain we feel when we lose them. A colleague lost his motorbike so I had a very profound conversation with him and that is what this podcast is about.
I said a few things about looking at the positive sides of the loss or how to learn from the loss and so you also learn that there are some ways to look at situations.... okay, in a way that make you feel better at what has happened.
This is important because the way you feel in the situation determines the next moment that come. So I go on to talk about the verse in the Bible that says that...In all things give thanks to God .....and I tried to explain how I understand that and the wisdom in that verse in times of need or in times of trouble or loss, and also how you can apply that when you have lost something or when you are in a bad situation.
So take a listen.
it's a wonderful piece and I think it's one of the best I have shared so far. Enjoy your moments in fitness name... Amen.