From this moment on, I joyfully promise to
never give up on my goals and dreams. I choose to remember always that the
whole world is mine to explore, and I need never be alone in figuring it out
and making it just right. That I was
born worthy and loveable without condition and whatever brought me to this place
is just the journey to my present and future self and not the sum total of who
I am or who I will become.
ACIM lesson 37: My Holiness blesses the world
I believe it’s my loving responsibility to share what I know
about relationships and closeness, everything I've learned in this world. I
believe that everything is as sacred as I am, and vice versa. My true purpose
in life is to spread light and knowledge, so that we may all grow together. I
am like a rolling snowball, collecting valuable crystals along the way and
sharing them with the world. I am like the sun, leaking photons of light to
everyone and everything I come into contact with.
The 5 Tenets of Advanced Possibility Enlightenment:
Tenet 1: Sufficiency and Abundance
The foundation of Advanced Possibility Enlightenment lies in the
belief that there is enough for everyone. By embracing the state of
sufficiency, we recognize that scarcity is not the reality, and that abundance
can exist in all aspects of life. This mindset allows us to approach challenges
and opportunities with a sense of optimism and openness.
Tenet 2: Curiosity and Understanding
In order to foster deeper connections and promote growth, we
must approach each other with a curious and open mind. Instead of judging or
assuming, we strive to understand the reasons behind people's actions. By
seeking to comprehend different perspectives, we can bridge divides and create
a more compassionate and inclusive society.
Tenet 3: Embracing Possibilities
Advanced Possibility Enlightenment encourages us to explore all
possibilities rather than settling for the easy or obvious choices. By
fostering a mindset of creativity and curiosity, we can uncover innovative
paths and solutions that may have otherwise been overlooked. This tenet
encourages us to embrace alternative directions, allowing for flexibility and
resilience in the face of change.
Tenet 4: Responsibility and Empowerment
Rather than succumbing to the circumstances and becoming
victims, Advanced Possibility Enlightenment urges us to take responsibility for
our own well-being. It empowers us to be proactive in shaping our lives, making
conscious choices, and taking actions that align with our values and goals. By
assuming ownership of our circumstances, we can cultivate a sense of agency and
control, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.
Tenet 5: Setting the Tone
As individuals practicing Advanced Possibility Enlightenment, we
strive to be the thermostat and not just the thermometer in our interactions
and environments. This means that we take an active role in setting the
temperature of the situation, rather than passively reacting to it. By
maintaining a confident and positive attitude, we have the power to influence
our surroundings, shape the narrative, and inspire others to follow suit.
In conclusion, Advanced Possibility Enlightenment is a
transformative philosophy that invites us to embrace sufficiency, curiosity,
creativity, responsibility, and leadership. By adopting these five tenets, we
can cultivate a more abundant and harmonious world, where everyone has the
If you want to unf*ck your mind and figure sh*t out so you can live the passionate life of your dreams without jumping off the roof contact me at: [email protected]
or schedule a Figure sh*t out together session and feel 50% better quickly and see if you want to work together.
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