In speaking to hundreds of doctors a month, it's obvious that many feel trapped by their hospital salary, and that can lead to burnout, but it doesn't need to be this way!
That's why we went back into our past episodes to give you 3 examples of physicians like you who have broken free of the golden handcuffs put on them by hospitals.
You'll see that they each had 3 commonalities:
There was an "AHA!" moment when their priorities shifted. For these 3 physicians, it coincided with the birth of a child (not always the first), but for you, it's important to validate that it's ok when your priorities shift.Needing to take action became apparent thanks to a 3rd party diagnosis. As a doctor, everyone counts on you to diagnose things for them, and it's ok to need that too. Whether it's a mentor, a good friend, a coach, or a financial advisor, find people who can give you perspective outside yourself.No one got there with one step, but they all got started. You'll see each of these physicians took multiple steps that eventually got them the freedom they desired. What is most important was that they got started.You'll hear from Dr. Mamta Kumar, Dr. Param Baladandapani, and Dr. Ronnie Shalev in this episode with a brief intro from Daniel in each one.
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