Does the Torah agree to it?
Can we have groups in our yeshivos that we are forced to have or is it better to close down?
Do ends justify the means? Joining up with Ovrei Aveira
Is it diffrent than sitting on the Knesset or the WZO?
Should we have public forums talking about our Yetzer Hora?
Harav Mordechai Giftar – Rosh Yeshivah of Telshe – 17:26
Harav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik – Rosh Yeshivah YU – 21:24
Rabbi Meyer Twersky – Rosh Yeshivah YU – 25:26
with Rabbi Hershel Schachter – Rosh Yeshivah YU – 29:44
with Dov Pfeiffer – Student in YU on the board of Hareni – 36:31
with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz – Head of Semicha at RIETS (YU), Rov of Bais Haknesses of North Woodmere – 50:26
with Rabbi Pini Dunner – Rov of Beverly Hills CA, Noted Historian and Lecturer – 1:05:28
with Meir Moschel – Alumus and parent at YU – 1:21:14