This episode finds its roots in a text message in which a listener asks Steve if he’s going to do a podcast on Field Trials and Water races. Steve’s immediate response is, “I’m going to now.”
Nate Hickson is a brand shiny new tree dog enthusiast, but not at all new to training dogs. In fact dog training is his vocation, it’s just that his is not the type of training we normally associate with trail and tree dogs.
Nate had lots of questions for the old timer and Steve doesn’t hold back. The origin of field trails as the precourser to Nite Hunts is a good place to begin the conversations and things sort of accelerate from there. Citing the UKC’s centenial publication The First 100 Years as a reference source, Steve, who authoring many of the articles in the book, takes Nate, and the listener on a fact-filled journey back to the 1930s in this interesting look at the genesis of hound games and ends by asking the question, will the Field Trails and Water Races be the game of the future. It’s an interesting question framed in a lot of interesting accounts and rememberances. Enjoy.
We would like to thank those who support this podcast. Special thanks to Alpha Dog Nutrition and Double U Hunting Supply for sponsoring this episode. Want to learn more about Alpha Dog Nutrition? Check out the links below