Well, folks, it’s been a long week, but the count is finally in: Instead Of, the podcast, is 176 episodes long. That’s right! Your three favorite hosts are hangin’ it up, hangin’ it down, and hangin’ it on a towel rack, respectively. We’re not kidding: this one, right here, is the very last one. Join us, each and every one of you Dear Listeners, as we bid you farewell the only way we know how: graphic descriptions of Neopets having sex. In this, the final one, we explode a roving invisible volcano, Mike and Josh finally consummate their long-simmering romance, and we leave you with a classic final twist: Tapan has a job. May the world remember us by the trail of saliva-drenched microphones we left behind.
Pairings: bitter regret; innocence, lost; cautious optimism