진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer
[Eye Interview] Actor-novelist Cha In-pyo reflects on trials of bringing his debut novel to global spotlight
기사 요약: 배우 차인표가 "미래 세대"를 위하여 썼다는 일제강점기 민족의 아픔 그려낸 소설, 옥스포드대 필독서로 지정되다
[1] Set in the peaks of Baekdusan in 1931, Cha In-pyo’s 2009 debut novel "Once We Look at the Same Star" captures the budding friendship of a young tiger hunter, Yong, and Suni, the village chief’s granddaughter, until their tranquil life is soon shattered by historical events.
[2] Infused with a fairytale-like sensibility and vivid descriptions of nature, the novel explores the intertwining lives of two 16-year-olds against a historical tapestry, addressing the issue of "comfort women," or victims of Japanese military's sexual slavery during World War II.
Infused (특정한 특성을) 불어넣다[스미게 하다]
tapestry 여러 가지 색실로 그림을 짜 넣은 직물
[3] Cha, an actor and writer, made headlines last month when he was invited as a special guest speaker at the inaugural Korean Literature Festival on June 28, hosted by Oxford University’s Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. The novel has also been selected as reading material for Korean Studies classes starting next semester.
make headline 화제가 되다, 대서특필되다
[4] "I wrote this book for the next generation," Cha said, speaking with The Korea Herald at his office in July. "Among the heartbreaking histories of Korea is the issue of comfort women, and the victims were young women. I wrote it while imagining the hometowns they might have lived in before they were taken away and what kind of lives they might have had."
victim (범죄·질병·사고 등의) 피해자[희생자/환자]
taken away 제거하다, 데려가다, 줄이다, 죽이다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240808050784
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638