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FAQs about 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트:How many episodes does 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 have?The podcast currently has 680 episodes available.
November 03, 2024바뀌는 외환거래법이 가상자산에 미치는 영향은?진행자: 간형우, Chelsea ProctorKorea to regulate cross-border trading of crypto기사 요약: 정부, 가상자산 악용 사례 막기 위해 관련 외국환거래법 개정안 내년 하반기 시행 추진[1] The Korean government is to tighten the monitoring of cross-border trading of virtual assets, including cryptocurrency, through a revised law set for enactment by the latter half of 2025.tighten: 더 엄격하게 하다revise: 변경하다enactment: 입법latter: 후자의, 후반의 [2] According to the ministry, as the cross-border trading of virtual assets increases, illegal transactions, including those with the purpose of tax evasion and money laundering, have also been on the rise.transaction: 거래evasion: 회피laundering: 돈 세탁 [3] Foreign exchange-related crimes totaling 11 trillion won ($8 billion) took place from 2020 to July, according to the Korea Customs Service. Of the amount, those involving virtual assets were worth 9 trillion won, or around 80 percent.foreign exchange: 외화 [4] Under the new regulations, virtual asset service providers, including crypto exchanges, will be required to register with authorities beforehand to conduct cross-border trading of virtual assets, the ministry said.register: 등록하다beforehand: 사전에 기사 원문:
October 30, 2024축구 팬들에게 잊지 못할 경험 안겨준 넥슨진행자: 간형우, Chelsea ProctorSoccer legends impress fans at 2024 Nexon Icons Match기사 요약: 400만 명 이상이 온라인과 현장에서 지켜본 넥슨의 ‘아이콘 매치’[1] More than 4 million fans gathered to watch a match featuring legendary soccer players hosted by Nexon, the game developer that published the FIFA Online series, the firm said Friday.gather: 모이다legendary: 전설적인 [2] For the Nexon Icons Match event, held at Seoul World Cup Stadium from Oct. 19-20, players were split into two teams -- former forwards played for FC Spear while defenders joined Shield UTD. A total of 64,210 fans attended the event, many of whom wore the players’ classic uniforms.split into: 나누다spear: 창shield: 방패 [3] The event drew an online viewership of around 3.6 million, with the number of concurrent viewers peaking at 270,000. The match's exclusive broadcaster MBC, recorded a 3.5 percent audience rating.concurrent: 동시에 발생하는exclusive: 독점적인 [4] “The Icon Match brought together famous soccer legends from around the world, delighting both gamers and soccer fans. I look forward to organizing more events that connect soccer with gaming,” said Park Jung-moo, head of Nexon’s FC Group.delight: 기쁨을 주다look forward to: 기대하다기사 원문: ...more18minPlay
October 27, 2024헤밍웨이 단편 모티프 한국 영화 탄생?진행자: 김혜연, Kevin SelzerHemingway's 'The Killers' interpreted by 4 directors in 1 film기사 내용: 헤밍웨이가 쓴 단편소설 "살인자들," 4인 4색 감독의 시선으로 연출한 살인극에 대하여[1] A set of creative interpretations of Ernest Hemingway’s short story “The Killers” is set to hit Korean cinemas, captivating audiences with stunning cinematography and an innovative approach.*to hit 개봉하다*stunning 굉장히 아름다운[멋진][2] The Korean film "The Killers" is an anthology comprising four short films, each directed by a different filmmaker: Kim Jong-kwan, Roh Deok, Chang Hang-jun and Lee Myung-se. These directors are well known for their previous works: “Josee,” “Very Ordinary Couple,” “Rebound” and “Nowhere to Hide,” respectively.*anthology (시)선집, 문집*comprising 포함하는[3] The four short films offer different interpretations of Hemingway’s classic short story “The Killers,” with actor Shim Eun-kyoung taking the lead role in most of the segments. Lee, who served as the chief creator of the film, stated that his goal was to create a movie that balances artistic vision with financial success.*segment 부분, 조각*artistic vision 예술가의 비전[4] “As a filmmaker, I reflected on how to pursue sustainable film production. My goal was to create a project that allows for creative freedom while also (attracting) investment, creating a win-win scenario. I felt that Hemingway’s ‘The Killers’ could be the ideal (piece) for directors to showcase their distinct styles and artistic visions,” Lee said during a press conference held in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Friday.*reflect on ~을 반성하다, 되돌아보다*pursue 추구하다, 밀고 나가다기사 원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
October 23, 2024인니에서는 K-푸드도 할랄인증 필요?진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Selzer[KH Explains] Indonesia's halal certification: Double-edged sword for Korean food industry?기사 내용: 인도네시아 수입식품 할랄인증 표기 의무화, 한국 식품기업에 미칠 영향에 대하여[1] Indonesia’s new regulation mandating Halal certification for all imported food products is expected to widen the export gap between large conglomerates and small businesses in Korea due to the high costs and time need to meet the requirements.*mandating 명령[지시]하다*widen 확대하다, 넓히다[2] After a five-year grace period, the Indonesian government has officially ordered businesses in most industries to be halal compliant and halal certified, starting Thursday.*grace period 유예 기간*compliant 순응하는, 따르는[3] While products lacking halal certification can still be exported, they must be labeled "non-halal" and comply with regulations set by Indonesia's Food and Drug Authority. Halal refers to items permissible under Islamic dietary laws. Generally prohibited meats include those from pigs, dogs and any animals not slaughtered according to Islamic practices.*comply with 순응하다, 지키다, 준수하다*slaughtered (가축의) 도살[도축][4] As the fourth most populous country and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia presents significant opportunities for food companies worldwide. Large firms recognized the potential of Islamic markets over a decade ago, preparing halal-certified brands and production lines early on.*populous 인구가 많은*early on (상황·관계·기간 등의) 초기에기사 원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
October 20, 2024‘흑백요리사’ 대박에 웃는 넷플릭스진행자: 박준희, Chelsea Proctor'Culinary Class Wars' producers deny trying to spice up results기사 요약: '흑백요리사' PD, 공정성 논란에 입 열었다. "방출 규칙 논란, 겸허히 듣고 있다."[1] Netflix's "Culinary Class Wars" is indisputably one of the hottest shows in Korea right now. Since the first episode was released on Sept. 17, the show has skyrocketed in popularity, sitting at the top of Netflix's global non-English TV shows list for two consecutive weeks as of Monday.* Indisputably: 명백하게, 반박의 여지가 없게* Hottest: 가장 인기있는* Skyrocket: 급등하다* Sit at the top: 수석을 차지하다[2] Riding high on the show's popularity, the participating chefs' restaurants are seeing an explosive surge in reservations and viral memes of the contestants and judges have taken over social media. Even convenience stores have jumped in on the trend, offering products inspired by creations from "Culinary Class Wars."* Ride high: 잘 나가다* Surge: 급증* Take over: (~로부터) (~을) 인계받다* Jump in on the trend: 시류에 편승하다[3] Despite its huge popularity, however, the show has also suffered from some controversies -- including allegations that producers worked to deliberately have an equal number of contestants from each team advance through the rounds.* Suffer: ~에 시달리다* Controversy: 논란* Allegation: 혐의, 주장* Deliberately: 계획적으로[4] Addressing the issue, the show's producers expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that an equal number of contestants from the black and white teams ended up advancing through the rounds.* Address the issue: 문제를 해결하다* Express: (감정·의견 등을) 나타내다* Dissatisfaction: 불만* Advance: 진격하다기사 원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
October 16, 2024"여자도 군대가면 전우애로 출산율 올라간다" 발언 논란진행자: 박준희, Chelsea ProctorConscripting women to lead to 'more babies,' claims military think tank기사 요약: 국방부 산하 한국군사문제연구원 원장이 ‘여성이 군대에 가면 전우애가 생겨 혼인율과 출산율이 올라갈 것’이라는 취지의 발언으로 구설에 올랐다.[1] The chief of a military think tank in South Korea has sparked controversy after suggesting that conscripting women into the military could boost marriage and fertility rates. * Chief: (단체의) 최고위자* Suggest: 제안하다, 추천하다* Boost: 북돋우다, 증가* Fertility rate: 출산율[2] “We have reached a point where women need to serve in the military. In that case, men and women would sleep in separate rooms in the barracks, but they would still live together like in university dormitories,” said Kim. “Naturally, couples would form. And this camaraderie could lead to more marriages and eventually more babies.”* Reach a point: ~의 수준에 달하다* Barracks: 막사, 병영* Camaraderie: 동지애* Lead to: ~로 이어지다[3] Conscription of women into the military is good for creating opportunities for men and women to meet, according to him, and also for deploying women as a combat force in times of emergency.* Conscription: 장병제* Opportunity: 기회* Deploy: 배치하다* Combat force: 전투부대[4] Rep. Park Sun-won of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea also criticized Kim’s remarks, calling on the government to take responsibility for having appointed Kim. Park criticized Kim for making a “very inappropriate comment trying to use the military as a tool for childbirth,” and called on the defense minister, currently Kim Yong-hyun, who has the authority to appoint the KIMA president, to apologize immediately.* Criticize: 비판, 비난하다* Call on: 요청하다, 촉구하다* Take responsibility: 떠메다* Inappropriate: 부적절한, 부적합한 기사 전문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
October 13, 2024새롭고 창의적인 서바이벌 “흑백요리사"진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn 'Culinary Class Wars': fresh, creative survival show minus the drama기사 요약: “흑백요리사” 돌풍, 다른 요리 서바이벌과 달랐던 것 [1] “Culinary Class Wars,” one of the hottest entertainment shows trending in Korea right now, offers a refreshing take on the survival show format, while highlighting the ingenious recipes created by some of Korea's most acclaimed cooks and chefs.refreshing: 신선한ingenious: 기발한 [2] The competition features 100 contestants divided into two teams: the white team, consisting of the nation’s top star chefs, and the black team, made up of lesser-known cooks and local restaurant owners.contestant: 참가자 [3] Contestants participate in a series of elimination challenges, evaluated by popular restaurateur Paik Jong-won and Michelin three-star chef Ahn Sung-jae.elimination: 없애다, 제거하다restaurateur: 식당 경영자 [4] The show's success has led to a surge of memes and parodies, with fans humorously recreating contestants' dishes and the judges' blind taste-testing moments. Even more importantly, it has led to the explosive popularity of the featured restaurants. Owner-chef Choi Gang-rok's Neo, for example, drew over 20,000 people looking to make reservations when the reservation system opened for next month's bookings, with all the available slots filled in just one minute.taste-testing: 맛을 감별하다slot: 자리 기사원문:
October 09, 2024윤 대통령, 중동 사태에 “군 수송기 투입”진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn S. Korea to send military aircraft to evacuate nationals from Middle East기사 요약: 중동 지역에서 확전 위기가 고조되자 윤석열 대통령은 우리 국민 철수를 위해 군 수송기를 즉각 투입할 것을 지시했다. [1] South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol on Wednesday directed the immediate dispatch of military aircraft to evacuate nationals from the Middle East as tensions escalated rapidly with intensified clashes between Israel and Iran as well as its backed militias Hezbollah and Hamas.dispatch: 파견하다military aircraft: 군 수송기escalate: 악화되다 [2] "The president emphasized that protecting South Korean nationals in Israel and the Middle East is of utmost importance and instructed that all necessary measures be taken," his office said in a statement issued following the emergency economic security meeting.utmost: 최고의, 극도의 [3] "In particular, he ordered the immediate deployment of military transport aircraft to evacuate our citizens and stressed the need for close cooperation with the international community to swiftly restore stability in the Middle East."deployment: 전개, 배치evacuate: 대피시키다stability: 안정, 안정성 [4] Seoul's decision to dispatch military aircraft comes as tensions in the Middle East intensify. On Tuesday, Iran fired over 180 missiles into Israel, while Israel launched a ground operation into Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah, in the early hours of the same day.intensify: 심해지다 기사 원문:
October 06, 2024팬데믹 이후 늘어나는 학교 폭력진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea ProctorStudent violence on rise since pandemic기사 요약: 팬데믹 이후 학생들이 교실로 돌아가면서 학교 폭력 늘어나고 11년 만에 피해응답률 최고 높아 [1] The number of elementary, middle and high school students reporting being bullied at school increased for the fourth straight year, pushing the corresponding rate to 2 percent for the first time in 11 years.*bullied: 괴롭힘을 당하는*corresponding: 해당하는 / corresponding to ~에 상응하는/ correspond: 일치하다, 부합하다[2] With 1 out of 50 children having experienced school violence, the proportion of victim students was higher among younger students. The modality of violence became more insidious and adroit as the ratio of verbal and cyber violence took over physical bullying, according to the report by the Ministry of Education on Wednesday.*modality: 양상*insidious: 서서히 퍼지는*adroit: 노련한, 교묘한 [3] In 2024, the prevalence of school bullying in the national survey was 2.1 percent, up 0.2 percentage points from last year. The rate of students answering they experienced violence dropped from 2.2 percent in 2013 to 0.9 percent in 2016 and 2017 before rising again to 1.6 percent in 2019. The number again fell to 0.9 percent in 2020 due to an increase in virtual learning from the COVID-19 pandemic.*prevalence: 널리 퍼짐기사 원문:
October 02, 2024성매매 후기가 온라인에 버젓이?진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea ProctorOnline reviews of sex tourism in Southeast Asia proliferate기사 요약: 동남아 여행지에서 성매매 업소를 방문한 후기와 정보 공유가 특정 연령대 남성들만 가입 가능한 카페서 18000여건이 넘게 들어나 논란 일어[1] South Koreans leaving online reviews about visiting prostitution establishments in Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Laos have proliferated, despite legal prohibition both here for Koreans and there abroad, according to observers and legal experts here Monday.*proliferate: 급증하다 확산되다[2] The posts often use terms like "byeonma" -- referring to a clandestine brothel disguised as a massage parlor -- and "cheolchang" -- for an establishment where five to seven minors are confined in small, cagelike rooms. South Koreans who often identify themselves as men frequently use the terms online to exchange information about names, locations and prices at such venues, the experts said.*clandestine: 비밀리에 하는, 은밀한*confined: 좁고 사방이 막힌[3] For example, a Naver Cafe group that launched in March 2004, but has since been shut down by the platform operator, once boasted over 18,000 members. Originally created to share travel tips, the cafe described itself as a community for exploring global food, entertainment and leisure at day and night.*boast: 큰 수치를 강조할 때 쓰는 말/ v.뽐내다[4] However, before its closure, the forum became inundated with posts detailing experiences with prostitution, as The Korea Herald discovered through screenshots of comments posted there. Membership was restricted to men born between 1930 and 1994. To qualify as a "sincere" member, users were required to post general travel reviews after joining. Those seeking to access more exclusive sections of the forum, where explicit content was shared, had to contribute further details or share their own experiences with prostitution.*inundated: 범람하다, 넘치는*explicit: 분명한, 명쾌한, 노골적인기사 원문:
FAQs about 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트:How many episodes does 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 have?The podcast currently has 680 episodes available.