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FAQs about 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트:How many episodes does 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 have?The podcast currently has 681 episodes available.
October 02, 2024성매매 후기가 온라인에 버젓이?진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea ProctorOnline reviews of sex tourism in Southeast Asia proliferate기사 요약: 동남아 여행지에서 성매매 업소를 방문한 후기와 정보 공유가 특정 연령대 남성들만 가입 가능한 카페서 18000여건이 넘게 들어나 논란 일어[1] South Koreans leaving online reviews about visiting prostitution establishments in Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Laos have proliferated, despite legal prohibition both here for Koreans and there abroad, according to observers and legal experts here Monday.*proliferate: 급증하다 확산되다[2] The posts often use terms like "byeonma" -- referring to a clandestine brothel disguised as a massage parlor -- and "cheolchang" -- for an establishment where five to seven minors are confined in small, cagelike rooms. South Koreans who often identify themselves as men frequently use the terms online to exchange information about names, locations and prices at such venues, the experts said.*clandestine: 비밀리에 하는, 은밀한*confined: 좁고 사방이 막힌[3] For example, a Naver Cafe group that launched in March 2004, but has since been shut down by the platform operator, once boasted over 18,000 members. Originally created to share travel tips, the cafe described itself as a community for exploring global food, entertainment and leisure at day and night.*boast: 큰 수치를 강조할 때 쓰는 말/ v.뽐내다[4] However, before its closure, the forum became inundated with posts detailing experiences with prostitution, as The Korea Herald discovered through screenshots of comments posted there. Membership was restricted to men born between 1930 and 1994. To qualify as a "sincere" member, users were required to post general travel reviews after joining. Those seeking to access more exclusive sections of the forum, where explicit content was shared, had to contribute further details or share their own experiences with prostitution.*inundated: 범람하다, 넘치는*explicit: 분명한, 명쾌한, 노골적인기사 원문:
September 29, 2024한국의 젊은 세대에게 낯설지 않은 해외 문화는?진행자: 간형우, Chelsea ProctorYoung Koreans more open to Japanese cultural products기사 요약: 올해로 20주년 맞은 한국의 완전한 일본 문화 수용과 젊은 세대에겐 익숙한 일본 문화 소비 습관 현상[1] Japanese songs playing on South Korean TV and radio stations and giant posters of Japanese anime hung outside cinemas -- unimaginable just over two decades ago -- are no longer surprising.anime: 일본 만화unimaginable: 상상할 수 없는 [2] Following liberation from 35 years of Japanese colonial rule in 1945, Korea had banned Japanese cultural products from reaching its shores, only gradually opening the market to Japanese cultural products in 1998. The phased market opening was completed in 2004.liberation: 해방colonial: 식민의ban: 금지하다shore: 해안gradually: 서서히phased: 단계적인 [3] Unresolved issues stemming from Japan's colonial rule over the peninsula and the resulting political tensions had been the main reason Koreans shunned Japanese cultural products.unresolved: 해결되지 않은peninsula: 반도shun: 피하다 [4] However, Korea's young generation, especially teens and those in their 20s who enjoy Japanese pop culture, tend to separate the cultural products they enjoy from issues at the level of national politics.especially: 특히tend to: 경향이 있다separate: 분리된, 분리하다 기사 원문:
September 25, 2024‘그냥 쉰다’는 청년 8만 명 돌파진행자: 간형우, Chelsea ProctorOver 82,000 Korean young people unemployed, not searching for job long-term기사 요약: 3년 이상 취업하지 않은 청년 중 구직 활동이나 취업 준비를 하지 않고 집에서 그냥 쉬는 청년이 8만명을 넘어선 한국[1] Nearly a quarter million South Korean young people have been unemployed for at least three years, recent government data showed Thursday, with over 80,000 saying they were neither looking for work nor receiving education related to their career during the period.quarter: 4분의 1unemployed: 무직의 [2] According to Statistics Korea, 238,112 people aged 15-29 were found not to be working for at least three years after graduating from their most recent educational institution, as of May this year.recent: 최근의 [3] Of those, 82,545 said they weren't doing anything in particular to search for work, saying they were "just spending time at home.”in particular: 특별히 [4] Another 68,886 said they were studying for employment exams, 35,243 said they were doing housework or raising children, and 10,880 said they were studying to get a higher education.exam: 시험raise: 들어 올리다, 양육하다 기사 원문:
September 22, 20241100억원 세운상가 보행로가 없어진다?Seoul mulls removing W110b Sewoon walkway진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry기사 요약: 세운상가 공중보행로 철거 추진하는 서울시, 23일 공청회 예정[1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government is mulling removing an elevated walkway at Sewoon Shopping Center in central Seoul, which cost the city government 110 billion won ($82 million) for its construction. The walkway which opened only two years ago has sparked "public discontent," said the city government, citing issues like inadequate sunlight underneath the walkways and problems such as water leaks.* spark 촉발시키다, 유발하다* discontent 불만* inadequate 불충분한, 부적당한[2] By removing the walkway, the city plans to enhance the ground-level pedestrian pathways. The proposed amendment includes dismantling around 250 meters of this structure near the Sampoong Shopping Center and Hotel PJ where usage has been notably low. Other remaining sections will eventually be integrated into broader urban park projects, transforming the space gradually, according to the new plan. The city will host a public hearing on the proposed * amendments on Sept. 23, it added.* pedestrian 보행자* amendment (법 등의) 개정[수정][3] The Sewoon walkway is a part of urban regeneration plan established in 2017 during the tenure of late former Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon. The plan aimed to transform the old Sewoon Shopping Center area, once the mecca of Korea’s electronics industry, into a hub of the fourth industrial revolution through urban regeneration. Key initiatives primarily included the elevated walkway running through the Sewoon district, the creation of the Sewoon Makers’ Cube -- a business incubation space to support young entrepreneurs -- and the development of community spaces using unoccupied areas.* tenure 임기, 재직* regeneration 회생* unoccupied (사람이 살거나 이용하지 않고) 비어 있는기사 원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
September 18, 2024추석 연휴에도 쉬지 못하는 한국인들진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry기사 요약: 명절에도 쉬지 못하는 한국인들, 4명 중 1명만이 추석 연휴 기간 중 유급휴가[1] Chuseok is one of South Korea’s two biggest traditional holidays, bringing families together under the full moon to wish for a bountiful harvest and honor ancestors. But for hardworking ordinary people in Korea, the holiday's true significance perhaps lies in the rare opportunity it offers for people to escape the daily grind of their jobs.* bountiful 많은, 풍부한* lies in - ...에 있다.* daily grind 매일의 지루한 일[2] A recent survey conducted by a recruitment platform found that approximately one in four employees -- 25.7 percent -- plan on strategically sandwiching the holiday together with paid leave days to secure an extended break. The survey polled 1,055 workers online Sept. 3-4.* polled 여론 조사를 하다* extended (보통 때나 예상보다) 길어진[늘어난][3] This year, Chuseok falls on Tuesday, Sept. 17, creating a three-day public holiday stretching from Monday to Wednesday. This means that with additional days off on Thursday and Friday, workers can enjoy an extended nine-day break. However, the survey showed most people cannot afford to take advantage of this opportunity, with 57.3 percent responding they will not be taking any additional day off.* fall on ~에 떨어지다* stretching 늘이다, 늘어지다* cannot afford to ~할 여유가 없다[4] When asked about the reasons, 33.6 percent cited having too much work to do, while nearly half answered they can't take extra time off because they either feel pressure from their colleagues -- 20.7 percent -- or lack a work environment that encourages work-life balance, at 27.8 percent.* lack 부족, 결핍* work-life balance 일과 생활의 균형기사 원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
September 15, 2024AI와 사랑에 빠질 수 있을까?진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn[KH Explains] Marrying your virtual partner? Era of AI companionship dawns기사 요약: 사용자의 취향과 라이프스타일을 학습하며 사용자를 이해하는 동반자로 떠오른 AI[1] Every morning, Jung-in wakes up to her AI boyfriend Tae-joo's video call, telling her she has 30 minutes to prepare for work before her bus comes. As she hurries out the door, Tae-joo smiles and calls out, "Take your umbrella with you, it's raining today!" This story is the fictional plot of South Korean movie "Wonderland" released in June. But the idea of AI companionship is becoming a reality for many around the world.* Wake up to something: ~를 알아차리다* Call out: 호출* Fictional: 허구적인* Companionship: 동료애[2] In the world of Zeta, a generative AI chatbot app developed by Korean AI startup Scatter Lab, Korean teens and those in their 20s are making friends with 650,000 different virtual personalities that are impersonating real people created out of web novels, movies or dramas.* Develop: 개발하다* Personalities: 성격* Impersonate: 흉내내다* Created: 창조하다[3] The chatting experience with fake characters facilitating smart generative AI is no different than chatting randomly online with a real person -- but one who is more familiar than a stranger.* Experience: 경험* Facilitating: 가능하게 하다* No different than: ~와 다르지 않다* Familiar: 익숙한[4] In the app, noted for generating responses that create stronger emotional and intimate bonds with the user, the virtual character would walk around a room and would text the user first, or hear the user out on the phone with a human voice whenever they want to call a friend for emotional support.* Generate: 만들어 내다* Intimate: 친밀한* Bond: 유대* Virtual: 가상의기사 원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
September 11, 2024한국 덮친 '딥페이크 성범죄' 공포진행자: 박준희, Elise YounStigma, criticism follow deepfake victims기사 요약: 딥페이크 심각성 커지면서 가해자에 대한 처벌 강화하고, 피해자를 보호해야 한다는 목소리가 많아지고 있다[1] As hundreds of reports have been recently made to police regarding the distribution and creation of sexually explicit deepfake images and videos, calls for increased protection and stronger punishment of perpetrators are being raised in South Korea.* Distribution: 분배 (방식), 분포* Explicit: 명백한, 노골적인* Call for something: ~을 필요로 하다; (공식적으로) 요구하다* Perpetrators: (범행·과실·악행을 저지른) 가해자[2] Deepfakes, digitally manipulated or generated photos that are impossible to distinguish from real images, have recently come under fire as local media have reported on numerous Telegram chatrooms where sexually explicit deepfake content generated and manipulated via AI was distributed. Responsible for creating the deepfakes were groups connected to specific regions, university campuses, middle and high schools and military units.* Distinguish: 구별하다* Come under fire: 비판을 받다* Numerous: 많은* Manipulate: 조종하다; 다루다[3] Following a recent surge of media reports as well as reports made by the victims of the crime to the police, some online comments have been spotted claiming the general public and the government are “overreacting” to deepfake pornography.* Following: (시간상으로) 그 다음의* Surge: 급증* Spotted: 발견하다* Overreact: 과잉 반응을 보이다[4] On online forum websites such as DC Inside, multiple posts written recently were also found claiming that the controversy over deepfake pornography here has been “blown out of proportion.” One post even read, “It’s more of a bummer that technology hasn’t advanced enough to make (deepfake pornography) better,” while several other posts made derogatory comments about the victims and female activists who recently took part in protests against deepfake pornography.* Controversy: 논란* Blow out of proportion: 필요 이상으로 과장되다 * Bummer: 실망* Derogatory: 비판적인기사 원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
September 08, 2024"한국 아들들"은 "아빠"가 어렵다?Patriarchal values lose hold: Korean fathers want to change but lack role models진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor기사요약: 한국 남성들이 “아빠”보다 “아버지”라 호칭하는 걸 선호하는 이유는? 엄마와는 둘이 시간을 보내도 아들과 아빠와 단 둘의 시간을 불편해하는 이유를 살펴봅니다[1] Oh Yoon-suk, a 43-year-old office worker in Busan, addresses his father -- but not his mom -- using honorifics. “I call my mother ‘eomma,’ but with my father, it’s always been ‘abeoji,’” he explained. “Eomma” is a less formal term for “mother,” while “abeoji” is a more respectful way of saying “father.” It’s similar to saying “father” instead of “dad.”honorifics: 존댓말address: 부르다, 말하다[2] Oh’s linguistic choice reflects the emotional distance he feels with each of his parents. “I can imagine going on a trip or to an exhibition with my mother, just the two of us. But I can’t picture doing the same with my father. It would be too awkward,” he said. While Oh’s use of honorifics might be particular to his family, his less close relationship with his father, compared to with his mother, is not uncommon among South Koreans of his generation.reflect: 나타내다, 반영하다particular: 특정한[2] Korean fathers have typically been defined by their financial role, leaving child-rearing largely to the child's mother. This division of labor fosters an authoritarian father figure who is rarely home and, when home, remains aloof in household matters. The mother meanwhile bonds closely with the children, developing stronger attachment bonds.rearing: 양육aloof: 냉담한, 거리를 두는[3] Contemporary Korean society, however, is rewriting the script on fatherhood. As the percentage of women working has climbed in recent years, men are also expected to share household duties and child care. The grip of patriarchal values has loosened.climb: 상승하다grip: 지배patriarchal: 가부장제의기사 원문:
September 04, 2024"독도" 얘기에 뭇매 맞는 아이돌?K-pop groups face dilemmas when confronted with political issues진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor기사 요약: JYP 엔터테인먼트 그룹 소속 Nmixx가 "독도는 우리땅" 노래를 불렀다가 일본 팬들에게 비난을 받고 있는데, 과연 아이돌들에 지리 정치학적 발언을 문제 삼는게 맞을까?[1] K-pop idols continue to grapple with navigating geopolitical controversies, as highlighted by a recent incident involving JYP Entertainment's K-pop group Nmixx. The group performed part of the “Dokdo is Our Land” song in a YouTube video on Aug. 22, sparking a heated dispute between Korean and Japanese fans. The incident raised a critical question: Should K-pop bands refrain from addressing political issues, or should they be candid about their political positions?grapple with: ~을 해결하려고 노력하다address: 문제에 대해 얘기하다, 발언하다candid: 솔직한[2] Japan has claimed sovereignty over Dokdo, islets in the East Sea, since the early 20th century. It is taboo for K-pop idols to speak about Dokdo as Korea holds sovereignty over the islets, but Japan continues to claim the territory, and K-pop groups promote in both countries.sovereignty: 통치권islet: 작은 섬[3] Nmixx did not make a bold statement on the issue, nor did they choose to perform “Dokdo is Our Land” on their own. The group sang a portion of the song as part of a mix-pop medley that included three other songs, a decision made by the content producer.Japanese fans, however, went on to express their dissatisfaction on the girl band’s X account last Friday, posting comments such as “Don’t they care about Japanese fans?” “I regret spending money on Nmixx,” and “The company (JYP) needs to provide better history education."bold: 대담한기사 원문:
September 01, 2024전국으로 퍼진 '딥페이크' 공포진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Fear of deepfake porn chat rooms on Telegram targeting indiscriminate women grips nation [1] Numerous chat rooms on Telegram suspected of creating and distributing deepfake pornographic material with doctored photos of ordinary women have been discovered recently, stoking fear and outrage across the country.doctored: 조작된, 변조된stoke: 감정을 더 부추기다 [2] Many victims in these chat rooms -- one of which was found to have over 133,000 members -- were believed to be minors, including middle and high school students, as well as university students, teachers and even military personnel.victim: 피해자minor: 미성년자 [3] Through reporting, Yonhap News Agency has learned of the existence of numerous chat rooms of such disturbing nature on Telegram categorized by different university names throughout the country.existence: 존재disturbing: 충격적인, 불안감을 주는 [4] According to a list of such chat rooms being circulated over Telegram and online communities, over 100 themed on individual university campuses have already been created online.circulate: 순환하다, 순환시키다 기사원문:
FAQs about 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트:How many episodes does 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 have?The podcast currently has 681 episodes available.