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FAQs about 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트:How many episodes does 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 have?The podcast currently has 680 episodes available.
January 12, 2025한국 정치와 무속 신앙의 동행진행자: 간형우, Devin WhitingShamans and presidents: A history of strange intermixing in South Korean politics기사 요약: 대통령 후보 시절 손에 '왕'자를 그렸던 윤석열 대통령. 한국 정치사에서 최고의 권력을 쥔 대통령들과 그들이 무속 신앙에 의존했던 방식.[1] For nearly two years leading up to suspended President Yoon Suk Yeol's sudden martial law declaration on Dec. 3, a former military intelligence chief reportedly visited a fortuneteller in Gunsan, North Jeolla Province.suspend: 정지하다sudden: 갑작스러운fortuneteller: 역술가[2] Throughout the course of over 20 visits, he asked about the fate of different military officials, including now-detained ex-Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun and several others who would later be accused of playing key roles in the botched imposition of military rule that night.fate: 운명detain: 구금하다botch: 망치다imposition: (새로운 법률·세금 등의) 시행, 도입[3] That customer was Noh Sang-won, former chief of the Defense Intelligence Command, according to Yonhap News Agency. Noh was recently referred to the prosecution on insurrection charges and accused of helping Yoon devise his martial law plan.insurrection: 반란devise: 고안하다[4] He has also since gained notoriety for initiating what has been nicknamed the "hamburger meeting," in which he called former and current military intelligence officers to gather at a Lotteria fast food branch in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, to discuss details of the martial law plan, just two days before Yoon issued his decree.notoriety: 악명initiate: 착수하다decree: 포고기사 원문:
January 08, 2025어도어 스케줄 끝마친 뉴진스, 향후 행보는?진행자: 간형우, Devin WhitingNewJeans' activities under Ador concluded: What’s next?기사 요약: 기존 소속사 어도어와 계약해놨던 활동을 대부분 마친 뉴진스, 향후 어떻게 활동 이어갈 수 있을까[1] With NewJeans having wrapped up most of their schedules fixed by Ador as of Monday, all eyes are on their next steps. Following the group’s notification to terminate their exclusive contracts with the agency last November, no newly negotiated activities have been planned.terminate: 종료하다exclusive: 독점적인[2] NewJeans concluded their major commitments under Ador with an appearance at an awards ceremony in Fukuoka, Japan, on Sunday. While a few advertisement obligations remain, the group has completed all other engagements overseen by Ador’s management.conclude: 끝내다commitment: 약속한 일, 책무obligation: 의무engagement: (업무상·공적인) 약속, 업무[3] This development follows the members’ announcement on Nov. 28, last year, when they declared their intention to terminate their contracts with Ador.declare: 선언하다intention: 의도[4] “We will continue to honor our preexisting schedules and advertisements as planned. We have no intention of causing harm to others through our contract termination,” member Danielle stated at a press conference.preexisting: 기존의기사 원문:
January 05, 20252028년까지 박물관 4개 추가되는 도시가 있다?South Korea to build 4 museums in Sejong by 2028진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer기사 요약: 문체부 '박물관·미술관 진흥 기본계획에 따라 세종 국립박물관단지에 2028년까지 박물관 4개 추가 건립될 예정이.다[1] Four new museums will be established in the National Museum Complex of Korea in Sejong by 2028, while a National Museum Storage Facility cluster will be created in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, to better manage cultural assets.establish 설립[설정]하다cultural asset 문화재[2] The projects are part of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism's four-year plan aimed at expanding the country's museum and art gallery infrastructure while improving cultural heritage management and accessibility, announced Thursday.aimed at ~을 목표로 한accessibility 접근 (가능성), 이해하기 쉬움 [3] The Culture Ministry also announced plans to reform the art donation tax payment system, which allows individuals to pay inheritance tax using cultural properties or artwork instead of cash. The revised system aims to broaden the range of eligible works of payment system 납세 시스템eligible …을 가질[할] 수 있는[4] The new museum expansion plan sets out three main goals -- making museums and galleries central spaces for enjoying national culture, revitalizing local culture and regional tourism and advancing future-oriented cultural institutions accessible to all.revitalize 새로운 활력을 주다, 재활성화시키다future-oriented 미래 지향적인기사원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
January 01, 2025원화가치 이대로 계속 하락하면?[KHExplains] What falling won means for Korea진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer기사 요약: 원화 가치 한 달 새 5% 추락이 국내에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴본다. The Korean won continues to struggle with sharp devaluation against the dollar as the country is pressured by rising tensions in local politics and the reshaped global trade environment.struggle with ~으로 고심하다, 씨름하다tension (필요·이해의 차이로 인한) 긴장[갈등] On Friday, the won's value against the greenback touched 1,486.7 won during intraday trading. It was the first time the won-dollar exchange rate had hit the 1,480 won bar in nearly 16 years since reaching 1,488.5 won on March 16, 2009, amid the global financial crisis.greenback (미국 달러의) 지폐intraday 하루 동안에 일어나는 (일중) The weakening of the Korean won puts pressure on import prices, including energy. For Korea, a country heavily dependent on energy imports, this leads to higher prices of all goods. Higher prices lead to reduced domestic consumption, weighing the economy down. dependent on …에 의존하고 있는.weigh down ~을 짓누르다 Under such circumstances, consumer price growth, which in the past three months has stabilized at the 1 percent range, could spike -- putting pressure on the Bank of Korea to cut its policy rate, which currently stands at 3 percent. While the central bank projected consumer prices to rise by 2 percent next year, the strong dollar could agitate the growth.project 예상[추정]하다agitate (마음을) 뒤흔들다[불안하게 만들다] 기사원문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
December 29, 2024윤 대통령, 또 다른 스캔들에 휘말리나?Will Yoon be caught up in yet another scandal?진행자: 박준희, Chelsea Proctor 기사 요약: 지난 대선 당시 윤석열 대통령 선거대책본부에서 활동했던 '건진법사'가 2018년 불법 정치자금을 받은 혐의로 검찰에 체포됐다.[1] A shaman reportedly close to President Yoon Suk Yeol and his wife, was arrested by the prosecution Tuesday in connection with political funding allegations, drawing attention to whether the case will turn up new allegations related to the presidential couple.* Shaman: 무당* In connection with: ~와 관련되어* Draw attention to: 이목을 끌다 * Turn up: 나타내다 [2] The authorities clarified that the investigation involving Jeon was unconnected to any investigations into Yoon. But allegations that Yoon and Jeon were connected surfaced during his presidential campaign. Some have speculated that the shaman played a significant behind-the-scenes role, effectively acting as the de facto leader of Yoon's campaign team.* Clarify: 명확하게 하다 * Involve: 관련시키다* Unconnected: 관련이 없는* Surface: 수면으로 올라오다 * Speculate: 추측하다* De facto: 실질적인 [3] The People Power Party had denied the allegation, saying Jeon was not involved in an advisory role of the networking subcommittee. The party also announced that Jeon worked as a manager for part of a Buddhist organization under the Jogye Order and is not a shaman.* Deny: 부인하다 * Allegation: 주장 * Advisory role: 자문 역할* Announce: 발표하다 기사 전문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
December 25, 202412월 3일 밤에는 무슨 일이 일어났나?Night of chaos: Inside Yoon’s Cabinet in hours before declaration진행자: 박준희, Chelsea Proctor 기사 요약: 국무위원들이 기억한 12월 3일 계엄령 선포가 터진 그날은 어땠을까? 이들의 증언을 바탕으로 알아보기.[1] Public accounts from Cabinet members at the National Assembly have exposed a troubling picture of President Yoon Suk Yeol's Dec. 3 martial law declaration: One of a clandestine and illegitimate decision that bypassed nearly the entire Cabinet, silenced its opposition, and violated due process.* Expose: 드러내다* Troubling: 우려스러운 * Clandestine: 은밀한 * Bypass: 우회하다 [2] The hours before Yoon's late-night announcement were chaotic, with most Cabinet members kept in the dark. Below is a look at the time leading up to and after the declaration, based on their accounts.* Chaotic: 혼돈 상태인* In the dark: 아무것도 모르는 * Lead up to: ~에 이르다 * Account: 증언 [3] After witnessing armed soldiers storming the National Assembly on television, smashing windows as they forced their way in, all Cabinet ministers submitted their collective resignations to Prime Minister Han Duck-soo on Dec. 4.* Witness: 목격하다 * Storm: 난입하다 * Smash: 박살내다 * Force one’s way: 억지로 밀고 나가다 [4] "I was personally stunned by the announcement as well. The last time martial law was imposed in Korea was 1979, when I joined the Foreign Ministry," Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul said during a press briefing for foreign media in Seoul on Wednesday. "Never did I imagine that it would be declared again 45 years later, in the Korea of 2024."* Stun: 놀라게 하다 * Impose: 시행하다 * Join: 합류하다 * Declare: 선언하다 기사 전문:[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]아이튠즈(아이폰):네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):팟빵 (안드로이드):
December 22, 2024안전하고 질서 있는 시위, 한국의 성숙한 민주주의를 강조Safe, orderly protests highlight Korea's mature democracy진행자: 홍유, Chelsea Proctor 기사요약: 윤석열 대통령의 계엄령 선언 이후, 수많은 사람들이 참가한 시위가 평화롭고 질서 있게 진행되었으며, 이는 한국 민주주의의 성숙함을 보여준다. [1] President Yoon Suk Yeol declaring martial law on Dec. 3 sparked demonstrations across the nation attended by tens of thousands of people. Despite the high turnout, however, the rallies remained peaceful, with no reports of violence or tension.demonstration: 시위turnout: 참가자의 수 [2] The crowds were remarkably diverse, ranging from teenagers and young adults to families with young children and pet owners with their dogs. Participants interviewed by The Korea Herald consistently reported feeling no concerns about safety and witnessing no incidents.remarkably: 놀랍게도consistently: 지속적으로 [3] Among them was a couple who brought their seven-year-old daughter and four-year-old son to a rally on Dec. 11, three days before parliament voted to impeach Yoon. The parents appeared untroubled by any risks.untroubled: 마음이 어지러워지지 않은 [4] The protests demanding the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye, which took place from late 2016 into early 2017, saw millions of participants calling for Park’s ouster over a corruption scandal. Similarly, the Cho Kuk demonstrations in 2019 attracted large crowds, both in support of and against the controversial former justice minister, over allegations of impropriety.ouster: 축출corruption: 부패impropriety: 부적절한 행동 기사원문:
December 18, 2024탄핵 투표 이후, 기업들은 트럼프 시대의 도전 과제에 집중After impeachment vote, companies shift to tackling Trump-era challenges진행자: 홍유, Chelsea Proctor 기사요약: 탄핵 투표가 끝난 후 주요 기업들은 미국의 트럼프 행정부 재임 하에 예상되는 글로벌 경제 변화에 대비하고 있다. [1] South Korea’s parliament voted to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol on Saturday, marking the culmination of over a week of intense political turmoil following Yoon’s botched attempt to impose martial law on Dec. 3.culmination: 정점turmoil: 혼란botched: 잘못하거나 잘못 계획되어 실패한 [2] While the impeachment awaits a final ruling by the Constitutional Court, observers note that the National Assembly’s decision has alleviated some of the uncertainty that clouded the market in recent weeks.alleviate: 완화하다uncertainty: 불확실성 [3] Korea’s major conglomerates are now turning their attention to preparing for broader global economic challenges, particularly navigating policy shifts expected under a second Donald Trump administration in Washington.conglomerate: 대기업administration: 행정부 [4] “The political uncertainty hasn’t completely disappeared, but companies don’t have much time, as the new US administration takes office in January,” said an industry source who requested anonymity. “Significant changes under Trump are anticipated, and the recent political turmoil has left many firms unprepared to address these potential changes in economy and trade."anonymity: 익명 기사원문:
December 15, 2024한국인은 이렇게 민주주의한다!?K-democracy? Lawmakers flooded with protest texts after impeachment boycott진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel기사 요약: 윤석열 대통령 탄핵 소추안에 대해 국민의 힘 의원들 대다수가 투표를 보이콧 하면서 "탄핵 찬성해라"는 시민들 문자 폭탄 이어져[1] Lawmakers from the ruling People Power Party have faced a barrage of protest text messages after an impeachment motion against President Yoon Suk Yeol was scrapped due to their decision to boycott the vote.barrage of: 빗발치는scrap: 폐기하다[2] PPP lawmakers have been struggling to deal with an endless stream of text messages, according to local reports, Monday. Some lawmakers have complained that their batteries don’t last more than two hours without a backup even with fully charged phones. Just before and after the impeachment vote on Saturday, observers reported seeing staff handing out fully charged portable batteries to lawmakers at the national of: 계속 이어지는~, ~물결[3] This overwhelming influx of messages began in earnest Thursday, when the PPP declared its official stance against impeachment, just two days before the motion was put to a vote on Saturday. On that same day, phone numbers of ruling party lawmakers were widely circulated online, prompting online users to flood them with thousands of text messages.overwhelming: 압도적인 밀어닥침, 유입in earnest: 본격적으로, 진지하게[4] Posts on social media platforms like X urged citizens to take action, with messages such as, "Let’s start a collective action and send text messages to PPP lawmakers so that they can vote for impeachment.”take action: ~에 대해 조치를 취하다collective action: 집단행동기사 원문:
December 11, 2024경검공 수사권 줄다리기에 혼란Power struggle intensifies among investigative bodies over Yoon Suk Yeol’s martial law case진행자: 최정윤, Tannith Kriel기사 요약: 12.3 계엄령 선포 관련 주요 인물들 및 내란죄 등에 대한 수사에 대해 경찰, 검찰, 공수처 등이 수사권에 대한 혼선 계속돼[1] The investigation into President Yoon Suk Yeol’s controversial December 3 martial law declaration has descended into a jurisdictional tug-of-war among South Korea’s prosecutorial, police and anti-corruption agencies, raising concerns about the investigation's clarity and efficiency.martial law: 계엄령descended into: ~로 내려가다, (나쁜 상황 속으로) 서서히 빠져들다jurisdictional: 사법권의 tug-of-war: 줄다리기, 주도권 다툼[2] At the heart of the dispute is the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials, which rejected a request from the prosecutor’s office to hand over all cases related to the martial law declaration. Instead, the CIO invoked its legal authority under the Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials Act to demand that the prosecution transfer overlapping cases to the CIO.invoke: 법, 규칙 등을 들먹이다overlapping: 겹치는, 중복되는[3] Prosecutors, however, maintain that they had proposed a joint investigation with the CIO, a claim the CIO disputes. Both agencies remain at an impasse, with the prosecution and police reportedly reviewing the legal grounds for the CIO’s transfer request.impasse: 교착 상태, at an ~ grounds: 법적 근거, 당위성 원문:
FAQs about 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트:How many episodes does 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 have?The podcast currently has 680 episodes available.