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Lifehouse Hong Kong is a dynamic, fun, and passionate English & Cantonese-speaking church based in Jordan, Hong Kong. We currently have weekly church services every Sunday at 11:30 am onsite at Jo... more
FAQs about Lifehouse Hong Kong 香港生命堂:How many episodes does Lifehouse Hong Kong 香港生命堂 have?The podcast currently has 220 episodes available.
March 08, 2025What is Righteousness? How Do I Know I Have It? // 甚麼是公義?我怎樣知道我擁有它? // Monty PlummerEver wondered how you can be made right with God? Why is God’s grace—a gift we can’t earn? Find out more in this week's message.你是否有好奇過神是如何臨到你的?為什麼神的恩典是我們無法贏得的禮物?...more30minPlay
March 01, 2025The Belt of Truth // 真理的腰帶 // Richard WelshJoin us for our new series and learn how we are strengthened by putting on the Armor of God. What does it mean to put on the Belt of Truth?一同聆聽我們的新系列,了解我們如何透過穿上上帝的軍裝來增強力量吧!戴上真理腰帶意味著什麼呢?...more37minPlay
February 22, 2025Is Forgiving a Sign of Weakness? // 原諒意味著軟弱嗎?// Masashi ShibuyaForgiveness is powerful! It’s not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it takes strength to forgive and love as Jesus did. Join us as we learn how to practice some daily habits of forgiveness. It will change your attitude, and most importantly your relationships原諒是充滿力量的!原諒並不意味著軟弱。恰恰相反,像耶穌一樣去原諒和愛是需要很多力量的。加入我們一起學習如何養成原諒的習慣。這會改變你的態度,甚至是你的關係。...more32minPlay
February 15, 2025Strong Love // 充滿力量的愛 // Rod PlummerLove is strong. It doesn’t celebrate evil but finds joy in the truth. Join us as we dive deep into the meaning of love through powerful scriptures, real-life examples, and the strength we gain from God’s truth. 愛是充滿力量的。愛不支持邪惡,而是在真理中找到喜悅。加入我們,一起在充滿力量的經文,真實的生活案例,和我們從神的真理之中所獲得的力量裡探索愛的真諦吧。...more24minPlay
February 08, 2025What is Love? // 愛是什麼?// Richard WelshWhat is true love? It’s not just a feeling—it’s patience, kindness, and choosing to love others even when it's challenging. This week, our prayer is that you will experience the transformational power of God’s love.真正的愛是什麼?愛不僅僅是一種感覺——愛是耐心,善意,愛是選擇在困難時仍然去愛他人。本週我們的禱告內容是希望你能感受到有著改變一切的大能的神的愛。...more34minPlay
February 01, 2025How Can I Be a Better Friend? // 我如何能成為一個更好的朋友? // Monty PlummerLove God, love yourself, and love others. True friends support each other through everything. Let’s be the kind of friend who lifts others up!愛神、愛自己並愛他人。真正的朋友是會互相扶此的。讓我們成為那種會互相支持的朋友吧!...more28minPlay
January 25, 2025Pressed, But Not Crushed: God Protects His Church // 四面受敵,卻不被困:神會保護祂的教會 // Richard WelshHow does God protect his church? How can we find strength in difficult times? Find out this week as we discover how God’s strength can help us in any situation.神如何保護他的教會?我們如何可以在困境中找到力量?本週與我們一起發掘神的大能怎樣在任何時候都能幫助我們吧。...more36minPlay
January 18, 2025Be Strong in the Lord // 在神裡變得剛強 // Rod PlummerIt is here! Our vision for 2025! "Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power!" Join us as Ps Rod unpacks how we can find strength in Jesus this year!終於迎來我們對2025年的新異象!“在主與祂的大能之中剛強!”加入我們一起來聽聽彭樂德牧師講述今年如何在耶穌之中找到力量的方法吧!...more27minPlay
January 11, 2025Strengthen Our Hearts to Sail into 2025 // 堅固我們的心,邁向前2025年! // Him LaiFeeling stuck or weighed down by doubts? Start 2025 with renewed faith! This week, we’ll dive into God’s promise of renewal, learn how to overcome doubt, and embrace His plan for our lives. Let’s step confidently into a fresh start together!是否曾感到卡住或被疑惑壓得喘不過氣?以信心開始2025吧!本週的信息將帶領我們探索神更新的應許,克服疑惑,並擁抱祂的計劃。讓我們一起邁向全新的開始!...more29minPlay
January 04, 2025Shine A New Light // 嶄新的光芒 // Monty PlummerWho's ready for the new year ahead? Let's dive in to the first message of 2025 as we learn about speaking goodness over our year. 大家準備好迎接新的一年了嗎?讓我們一起探討2025年的第一個信息 - 如何充滿信心和帶著神的祝福地面對新的一年。...more26minPlay
FAQs about Lifehouse Hong Kong 香港生命堂:How many episodes does Lifehouse Hong Kong 香港生命堂 have?The podcast currently has 220 episodes available.