Welcome to my new series called Thing I was Wrong About! In this series, I'm diving into a variety of topics that I've discovered in the last few months that I was in fact, wrong about.
In today's episode, I'm diving into things I was wrong about MDMA Therapy. If anyone would have asked me 3-4 years ago if I would have even thought about MDMA therapy or any other psychedelic therapy, I would have said not only no but hell no.
Not only do I feel wrong about my judgment of MDMA therapy, but I believe it is anything but a drug--it's a medicine.
My hope in discussing all these topics is to help you unlock your next door for whatever that is in life, and I've always hoped in sharing my experiences whether in life or around trauma that I could ease the suffering of someone else even if it's only a little bit.
If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a review and tell me what you liked most about it. :-) if you want to send me a DM on Instagram, you can do so by clicking here!
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