As we’re getting into the Christmas spirit, I am sure many of us ponder and study the life and birth of Jesus Christ. Many families put together a Christmas pageant where everyone takes on a role in the nativity scene to help us reflect on the birth of the Savior. And one role in that story that we want to dive deeper into is Mary the mother of Jesus. Her background and mention in the scriptures is relatively small. But in today’s guest’s words: “Her story reminds us that God is aware of all of His children and that He calls ordinary men and women to participate in extraordinary ways to help build His kingdom.”
Brooke Walker hosts this episode with Gaye Strathearn. Gaye is a Professor of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University. She grew up in Australia, and she says she loves the game of cricket. In her words, she loves to, “potter around the house and yard” and even though she’s a big BYU fan, she does drive a red car... (we’ll forgive her for it). Gaye wrote this beautiful article in January 2019 called “Mary, the Mother of Jesus” that serves as the basis of this conversation.
Join us for our Book Club Zoom this Thursday, December 5th at 7pm MT.