Because of COVID-19, jobs have been lost, hours cut, millions are working from home and normal routines for socializing, religion, recreation, travel and vacations have been upended. Award-winning keynote speaker, author and clarity coach Cindy Cipriani presents her copyrighted “5 C Solution“ for navigating through COVID-19 or any other point in time when things start spinning out of control. Learn how to recall the 5 C Solution in moments of chaos by examining the five fingers of your hand. Preview the 5 C’s: clarity, commitment, challenge, creation and celebration and learn how they can work together to optimize your response to change. Uncover how to transform your self image from “victim” to “individual in charge.” View how you can recover from other momentous life changes like death of a loved one, divorce or job loss. Host Roy Richards reveals physical steps to take when working from home to avoid soft tissue injuries that not only are painful but also make it difficult to perform at your best.
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