Welcome to the very first episode of Mind Body Future, with me, Kane. Below, you'll find the show notes of the topics covered in the podcast. Feel free to send me a message.
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Soundcloud: @kanemusicofc
What is Mind Body Future?
We are always able to gain control over our minds, our bodies, and our future, and the sooner we are able to do so, the sooner we can start truly living life the way we deserve to.
“Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives. There was never a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny. This second, we can turn the tables on Resistance. This second, we can sit down and do our work.” - Steven Pressfield
This is not easy, but it’s essential if we are to take control of our own destiny and stop living in both reaction and in lack. Deep down, we know that we are the ones who are causing our own turmoil. It’s easier to place the blame for our circumstances on outside forces than it is to take responsibility for our own actions, whether that be our emotional, mental, or physical health.
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is described as “a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”
While it is therapeutic, mindfulness is more than simply a way to “fix” a problem - it’s a way of living that allows you to remain in control over yourself and your mental and emotional states.
When you’re able to gain control over your mental and emotional states, you switch over from living in reaction, in lack, in defense, or in “survival mode”, as some call it, to living in a state of creation, abundance, and control.
Example: you get in an argument with someone, lose your temper, and say something you end up regretting. When living in a reactive or defensive state, if asked what happened, chances are you’d place the blame of losing your temper on the person you were arguing with because of something they said. When you practice mindfulness, when you start to recognize this person is saying something you disagree with, you’re able to acknowledge the negative emotions you’re starting to feel, and are then able to take the necessary steps to prevent yourself from even getting into an argument in the first place. This is something that takes a lot of practice and self-awareness, but the sooner you are able to start taking steps to gain control over yourself in situations like these, the better your life and relationships will become.
A practice I’d like to leave you with is a very small and simple one. Set a timer for 12pm (or sometime in the afternoon), and label it “reflect”. When the timer goes off, simply take note of how you are currently feeling, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Don’t try to change anything, just simply acknowledge how you are feeling, and write it down.
Remember, no matter what is happening in our external world, we always, at all times, have the ability to take control of our minds, our bodies, and our futures.