Welcome, mortals! In celebration of our high holy season, we have a cornucopia of all things creepy to offer you!
We start off with our list of "what to watch," which includes some KILLER documentaries and some classic horror films. Then, we'll share a few listener ghost tales, along with three more local haunts: The McPike Mansion in Alton, IL; the Elgin Casket Company in Elgin, IL; and the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago (which is apparently full of bones). Then, to close the show, we revisit a witchy tale from our friends at @CoffinTalkin podcast.
Here's our list of shows and websites to explore:
Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter (Netflix)
Born Evil: The Serial Killer and the Savior (Max)
Family Secrets: Disappearance of Alissa Turney
Fear Thy Neighbor (ID)
This Is the Zodiac Speaking (Netflix)
Hidden Truths: The Chicago City Cemetery and Lincoln Park: https://hiddentruths.northwestern.edu/home.html
Rosemary's Baby, The Changeling, Hereditary, El Orphanado, Poltergeist, Fear Street, The Thing, It Follows
We love talking woo with you!
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See you next time!