Ahoy, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast!
Join our five heroes- Joan Redsun, Seebo Turen Nim, Ryder, Rhomash Scarbearer, and Dracarys Shockwind- as they continue their journey in The Return of Ornon!
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Joan carries a chest. Seebo is a special guest. Ryder gets wrapped up. Rhomash runs for his life. Dracarys climbs a tree.
Ash - Rhomash Scarbearer
Bee - Seebo Turen Nim
Bronson - Dracarys Shockwind, Captain Littlebeard
Harrison - Dungeon Master, Captain Arthur Lawrence, Lizardfolk
Ray - Ryder
RJ - Joan Redsun, Green Dragon
The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens
"Treasure Hunters & Scallywags" is an original story created by Harrison Owens
"Treasure Hunters & Scallywags" is also Season 3, Episode 0 of Seafarers & Scallywags
Seafarers & Scallywags is an original campaign created by Bronson Proseus
Episode edited by Harrison Owens & RJ Moore
Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore
Main theme & closing theme melody by Kyle Rice
Additional music by Ivan Duch (https://ivanduch.com): "Plankers Cove"
Additional music by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com/): "Firebrand", "Sneak n Get Caught"
Kevin MacLeod license info: Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License
Additional music by ZitronSound (https://zitronsound.bandcamp.com): "Secret Tomb"
ZitronSound license info: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/
Additional music by Untold Journey (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTVxFPhbAtk): "The Pirate King"
Original sound effects created by RJ Moore
Additional sound effects used are courtesy of FreeSound (https://www.freesound.org)
“Ambience Port Pirates” by Elenalostale
“Pirate Ship at Bay” by CGEffex (Attribution 4.0)
“Pirate Ship at Bay w.out Seagulls” by CGEffex (Attribution 4.0)
“LargeWoodenShip” by PimFeijen
“Kookaburra” by Rimmer
“Amazon Jungle Birds” by trundlefly
“Sea Cave” by Andy_Gardner
“Cannon Shot” by qubodup
“Paddles rowing on a calm water stream” by brunoboselli