On Reflekt: The Podcast | In Conversation this week, I spoke to Jasmine Shah about inVisible Visible, Mindreaders, fear, vulnerability, and storytelling.
Jasmine Shah is the Founder of MindReaders and co-founder of InvisibleVisible. She is passionate about using storytelling to build communities where people can openly discuss the mind and how it intersects with different layers of our identity.
From 9-5 you can find her designing and facilitating events to help organisations create the space for open conversation, debate and ideation using a variety of creative techniques.
Her experience of burnout and having to take sick-leave back in 2018 led her towards books and attending community events about mental health, as a way to help her understand what was happening. This led to the creation of MindReaders, where today, she invites people to discuss different books and podcasts, focused on the mind to help normalise the conversation and increase awareness.
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