Happy Holiday's Routine Activation Athletes!
Please enjoy this episode as my gift to you this holiday season. I've put together 25 affirmations to help you deal with stress, self-criticism, trusting your journey, being courageous, and anxiety. I also go into detail about how to create custom affirmations, so you can proclaim joy over any situation you face.
2:48 | Creating Your Own Affirmations - 7 things to keep in mind
6:27 | Stress & Overwhelm
∙ I have nothing to prove, for I am loved and I belong
∙ I am present and grateful, today I am where I need to be
∙ I walk in peace, not overwhelm, and I will always get done what needs to get done. I release the rest and live in a place of spaciousness
∙ I have everything I need to move forward, focused and free from overwhelm. I choose to be in control
∙ I live in a state of rejoicing, no matter my circumstances, and therefore I am allergic to negativity and stress - it hits me but bounces right off
7:21 | Kindness to Yourself
∙ I easily forgive myself when I mess up, and I love the feeling of getting to grow and learn something from my mistakes
∙ I love being curious, because I don't have all the answers and I enjoy learning
∙ I extend excessive kindness towards myself because I am not in a rush, I do not need to prove myself and I am worthy of being treated with respect
∙ I welcome feedback as inspiration and opportunity, because I am capable of growth and change
∙ I choose to walk empowered, as words of positivity fuel my path forward
8:12 | Your Journey & Growth
∙ I love doing the same things over and over because I know that patience in the process will get me results
∙ I am enough, and today I choose to rejoice in my successes
∙ I am present, I am growing, and I am grateful
∙ I will not grow weary of doing what is good, I will reap the reward if I overcome
∙ I have enduring faith in my journey, and will embrace the pace at which I travel. I choose to find joy in every day not just the end outcome
∙ I love being brave and putting myself out there
∙ I embrace the discomfort that not everyone will like me and I am okay with being fully myself all the time
∙ I am proud of myself for continually pushing my comfort zone, allowing me to grow and achieve new things
∙ I am capable of hard things, my growth is limitless
∙ I welcome new challenges and do not shy away from going after what I desire, because I am no longer attached to what people think of me
∙ I release all anxiety from my life because I am free from rushing, striving, hustling, and trying to take on too much. I am chill, composed and confident because I walk with purpose
∙ Everything is working and I am on my way, actively being present in the moment
∙ I have boundless energy that I can focus, because I am in control of my adrenaline
∙ I walk with excitement, determination, and confidence because I have everything I need in this moment to succeed
∙ I breathe in as thoughts flood over me, and breathe out as I let them pass right over me. I live in a space of renewed relaxation and I will not carry the weight of these thoughts
Because we're friends now....please drop in on IG or leave me a review on iTunes!
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