Christina chats with Katie Beth, a stepmom who shares her story of falling in love, the complexities of dating with kids, managing not only a high conflict ex but her high conflict parents. The two discuss what happens when the stepmom shows up and there's no boundaries in place, raising a special needs stepkid and pregnancy after loss. What helped Katie Beth learn how to identify boundaries? What did she need as she prepared to bring home an ours baby? Listen in!
About My Guest:
Hi, I'm Katie Beth. I am a stepmom (7yo son, 10yo daughter) and recently became a first-time mom to an ours baby (8mo son). I am a social worker and lifestyle/documentary photographer in my free time (which is rare these days!). I have been incredibly fortunate to have a wonderful and accepting relationship with my step kids and a supportive and advocating partner. This has and continues to be an amazing, yet chaotic journey and I hope I have something to contribute for all the listening stepmoms that are out there.
So much more than a podcast!!!
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