Christina welcomes divorce attorney and author, Nicole Sodoma to chat how stepmoms fit into their homes and the courtroom. Over the years, Nicole has risen to prominence as a national authority on divorce, custody, and co-parenting. However, she never expected to go through a divorce herself. She is not only a bio-mom but a stepmom, and shares her insights into topics that many of us face. What should you look for in an attorney? Managing first right of refusal? Should stepparents be in the parenting plan? What about estate planning? Nicole also discusses her book PLEASE DON’T SAY YOU’RE SORRY- a raw and real description of divorce, loss and how you move forward... radically. Listen in!
About My Guest:
As a marriage-loving divorce attorney of 25 years, Nicole Sodoma has pioneered a way through the often- dreaded field of family law with integrity, compassion, and tenacity. Through her professional and personal learnings, Nicole authored her first book, PLEASE DON’T SAY YOU’RE SORRY in 2022. The book serves as a reminder that although the journey can be wholly overwhelming and emotionally exhausting - it also doesn’t have to be the worst thing that’s ever happened to you. Connect with Nicole!
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