Yesterday afternoon faciliatated a fascinating conversation with some amazing people at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance conference in Pōneke Wellington.
Joining me were Rachel Brown (Sustainable Business Network), Manu Caddie (Hikurangi Enterprises), Kira Day (B Labs) and Kath Dewar (Good Sense).
We covered a lot of ground - the future of business, role of nature, philanthropy and hybrid structures, director duties and consideration of ESG, advice for a high growth startup acting sustainably, the new Community Housing Funding Agency and a whole lot more. If you like this content check out the 400+ other conversations on Seeds Podcast at
Be watching out for my conversation with Katherine Trebeck who I was able to talk to at the event which will release soon.
Some links to things discussed.
Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa site:
Parry Field Lawyers
Sustainable Business Network
B Lab site
Rua Bioscience
Good Sense