Hello LGTBQ's and allies alike!
Ben here, today I've got an episode of the Gay List with the hosts of Celebrity Book Club with Steven & Lily. Before we consider every conceivable way in which your man could be gay, we make some very confident debate predictions. I think we slayed.
Then we crack open the list at entry 1,000 and discuss everything from our burning hatred of people who Amazon paper towels to the degenerative effects of viral Grindr screenshots. This episode has it all, gay face vs. lesbian face, the estrogenized womb, straight couples spying on each other, and k*lling your mother–psychologically.
Listen to Lily & Stevens truly her-larious podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/3RIvHVayenokiZtiwybORD
and find weekly bonus episodes on our Patreon!