Welcome Julie Kirschke! Thank you so much for being on Sharing Out Loud AND being a part of my own recovery journey through the She Walks Canada FREE WEEKLY Coaching calls.
From Julie:
Addiction is in the face of the girl next door, it can be in the computer lab with a tech specialist, it can be in the Principal's office, it can be at your Dentist, or in my case ..….. it was in the mirror.
I didn’t want to be an alcoholic, drinking was my favorite thing!
It relieved my stress after a long day of mommin’, it was my reward when I did something right, it was in all the celebrations I made up so we could have a party. Alcohol Abuse Disorder had me.
The thing is, alcohol is an addictive substance. If you drink it enough you can (and most likely will) become addicted. It didn’t matter how many 30-day cleanses I did to prove I wasn’t an alcoholic, on day 30 I was loaded.
Eventually, I couldn’t stop. I would need a drink in the morning to relieve the shakes and help me function. My brain was wired to believe the only thing that would help pain was alcohol. It wasn’t until I decided to get help that I learned all the other issues behind my addiction.
In treatment, I got to know my traumas very well and work through them. I also got to understand how I am the way I am. Perfectionism and people-pleasing were crippling effects of childhood trauma. Because of that, I believed I wasn’t worthy, good enough, or even loveable. In adulthood, I put so much pressure on myself to prove how great I was that I lost my most valuable thing…........me.
What I have uncovered in my years of sobriety is something I will never give away again.
MY SOBER SELF is wise, honest, loving, loveable, funny, courageous and resilient. If I were to wager a guess, I bet yours is too.
If you are looking for individual help Julie is your person! You can find her on Instagram @julzkirschke, or you can go to her website: https://www.mysoberself.ca/
Julie also does intermittent coaching in the She Walks Canada FREE weekly calls.
Thank you again, my friend. You are a true gem of a human and a bright light in the sober community.