00:00 Intro: Something great is inside of you.
1:35 Clarify : What is a Soul, Higher Self, and Spirit
2:40 Mystical Experience: How to have a connection to God through meditation
4:30 Why do we want to connect, Self Realization Fellowship
5:05 Attunement, prayer, focus, Dr. Joe Dispenza. Parmahansa Yogananda
6:30 Bootcamp for your Soul, What we are here to achieve
7:15 Cut through the noise
8:00 Bring breath up the spine to the heart and brain, to stillness
9:00 Yes mediation is hard, takes practice, reap the amazing benefits
10:00 Hard to connect when we are in pain
11:30 Raise your frequency to connect to someone you have lost
12:20 Old wounds come up that are triggered by loss, transforming your pain
13:00 Guided Mediation