Happy Navidad, big babies! Broken bones, theft, car crashes, nippley nighties, mountain retreats, clay creations, mistranslations, psychotic customers, and cold dildos. Ice cold. That’s not a poem you just read; it’s Ellen and Elena's second half of 2019. The girls reminisce about the highs and lows of the year’s final adventures, and can’t help but wonder, “When’s Ashton gonna pop out?” This shit is getting cray.
#HollywoodIsPlayingHardToGet #TakeFromTheRichAndGiveToEveryoneElse #EllenTookATumble #SplitMyLegInASplitSecond #ICanSeeMyMotherInLawsNipple #DickFuckSuckAssShitDickSuckDick #NotGuilty #YourForeheadWrinklesLookLikeALadder #ICantWaitToTellEverybodyAboutYou #WheresAshton #PlugInTheFuckingCoffeeMaker #ThisCouldBeACarPodcast #SomeoneIsOutToGetYou #BackBehindDesks #Idyllwild #JeriAndCeasar #WeDidAPotClass #ALotOfShrinkage #ItWasNiceTheyWereStrangeWeHadFun #WabiSabi #ChangeVolcano #GottaHaveAHotTub #LoveGoingPlacesHateDriving #Almost30 #WeAreBigBabies #DildosOnIce #Taken #ThisIsProfessional #ItsCumming #EllenaProductions