Driven by Ramon Briant, this humorous discussion on Australia's failed "Emu War" features Voice overs - Ramon Briant and Jett Barton. Both collaborators have given permission for voice to be used in production (as stated in the podcast). The two tracks were recorded in interview style simultaneously, while another was added later featuring only my voice. SFX (bird screeches, stampede sound, scream and gunshot sounds) - Sourced from the "Animal Sounds Field and Foley playlist on the Splice sample archive. These samples are copyright free (provided they are used within a larger composition such as a song or podcast) for more info visit Music composition 1 - Olympus by Ross Bugden. This piece exists under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License allowing it’s use in projects such as this. ; Composition 2 - A Good Day To Die by Miguel Johnson. This piece is also licensed under The Creative Commons,
For more information on this topic go to other Australian podcasts including: and However neither of these were used as source material for the research leading to the creating of the podcast. The sources consulted were as follows: Garner Gore, J (2016, 10/16) Looking Back, Australia’s Emu War, Australian Geographic Crew, R (2014, 08/04) The Great Emu War: In which some large, flightless birds unwittingly foiled the Australian Army, Scientific American Kirubakaran, P (2021, 12/10) Great Emu War: How Australia Started A War Against Flightless Birds – And Lost, www. The Sun Herald (1953, 05/06) New Strategy In A War On The Emu
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