Presentation by:Shu
Cast:Shu, Soki, Yurika, Leo (Guest)
Theme:Language Learning
Shuは冒頭のプレゼンテーションで自分の仮説を述べました。彼は、「外国人として働くこと」と、「多言語を話すことができること」という二つの要素が、多様性への寛容さに関係していると考えました。Shuがヒントを得たのは、Dr. Watase (Ep12), Dr. Leo (Ep10), Shi Jia (Ep9), Tracey (Ep13)が持っていた多様性を尊重する心でした。4人とも複数の言語を話しし、Dr. WataseとDr. Leoは外国人医師として働いた経験を持ちます。彼らと対話する中で、Shuは寛容さがいかにして生まれるかを考え、彼の仮説を提示したのでした。
外国人医師だからこそ可能な患者への接し方がある。これはDr. Leoがエピソード10で語った経験からShuが得た視点です。外国人医師は必然的にマイノリティでもあるからこそ、多様なまなざしを患者に向けることができるのではないでしょうか。
外国で医師をするには勇気と決断が必要です。その時に、外国人医師として働くことの「意味」を見出すことができれば、その決断も後押しされるのではないか、そのような思いでShuは今回のプレゼンテーションを準備しました。果たして、Dr. Leoの考えはいかに。外国として医師として働くことが私たちに与え得る影響について、4人がDeep-Diveしました。
What effect does living abroad have on us? Furthermore, what effect does working abroad as a doctor have on us?
Over the past few episodes, Shu had noticed a pattern: Dr. Watase (Ep12), Dr. Leo (Ep10), Shi Jia (Ep9), and Tracey (Ep13), all of whom were foreigners, and all of whom were multilingual, were extremely accepting and respectful of the diversity of others. Through discussions with these four guests, Shu repeatedly asked himself: what is the source of tolerance? In this episode, Shu presents the two hypotheses he came up with.
Foreign doctors, by nature, are a minority. This, Shu claims, lends them the ability to better empathize, to better understand diversity, and thus to better connect with patients. Therefore, foreign doctors have the potential to exercise a type of tolerance that perhaps only they have access to - a perspective Shu gained in episode 10, when Leo spoke about his experiences dealing with foreign patients at his hospital.
It takes immense courage to work abroad as a doctor. Shu chose this theme for the episode to galvanize Japanese doctors and medical students who are on the fence about working abroad in the future. He hopes that his quest to find meaning in working abroad will help others, too.
We present to you a deep-dive discussion into the source of tolerance and true diversity, as well as our personal take on the advantages of practicing medicine as a foreigner.