On a new TAGSPODCAST aka Talk About Gay Sex podcast, Host Stevie V and Co-hosts Lincoln and Kodi Maurice Doggette are back with all new hot LGBTQ topics, sex and relationship advice and more:
- Oscar favorite moments - we discuss
- Should gay partners be having a conversation about extracuriculum fun on an all-gay holiday?
- We're talking about consent and just how much do gays follow the rules of consent....
- Moarning the loss of adult favorite creator, Tim Kruger of Tim Tales....
- Why is human kindness considered gay?? We discuss...
- Why circuit parties have mattered over the years and how we feel about them...
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Follow Steve V. on IG: @iam_stevev
Follow Kodi's Life Coaching on IG: @kmdcoaching
Follow Kodi Maurice Doggette on IG: @mistahmaurice
Follow Lincoln on IG: @madlincoln
Follow Protein Bakery on IG: @proteinbakery
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Needs some advice for a sex or relationship conundrum? Ask TAGS! DM US ON IG or https://www.talkaboutgaysex.com/contact
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