Okay this episode is actually fire!!!! I sat down and wrote out everything that I feel when I activate "dream body mode" where weight loss is effortless, it's fun, it's just DONE- and how to applying this to manifesting anything!!
When you master this state I'm describing- your manifestations are such a done deal I can tell you that!!
JOIN DELULU DECEMBER (part of the Membership!)
Black Friday Deals + Links Mentioned:
If you love EFT then you will love this bundle! Get my signature program BECOME which is an identity upgrade program utilizing tapping and matrix reimprinting to drastically change the energy around past events, and do huge releasing, along with UNTAPPED (manifestation & tapping program) and the Tapping Section inside the Membership (all my tapping video’s morning routines, Tapfit, and all new additions as well as the incredible library inside UNTAPPED of 28 different videos covering body, money, love, and happiness - tap your way to massive massive success in ALL areas with these programs!!!!
Normally over $1200 sold separately, get it for $444!!!!!!
Price is rising on the membership to $50 a month and $500 a year & the deal for the membership for Black Friday is a lifetime access for $888!!
Which means you pay for a 17 months up front, but then you get it for the rest of your LIFE.
It’s only going to keep getting better with money themes and challenges, new meditations and tapping sessions, and rampages and manifest in motion, and daily mindset designs and just truly everything you need it’s a one stop shop for life so I would HIGHLY recommend getting in on this because it’s going to always be a source of whatever you need at any point whenever you are looking to uplevel or shift there is endless practices in there to change your life!
THE DREAM BODY PORTAL - (ALL my dream body teachings, trainings, classes, courses in ONE bundle)
I’m throwing in 4 months FREE inside the Collective aka you ALSO get access to the membership, my daily coaching and riffs, all PAST RIFFS, the manifestation codes which are freaking amazing and truly it’s worth so much more to have me in your pocket everyday and accountability and check ins, and getting riffs dedicated to you and what you are moving through so that is a killer deal!
Normally $999 for Portal + 4 months inside the Collective...
Get it for ONLY $777 here!
$1111 off, get it for $2222 - that means you get everything for all time forever- membership, dream body all courses past present future- aka UNTAPPED, Become, the Collective, all group programs in the future, AND 1 MONTH of coaching with me where magic happens!!
Everything I talked about above + more .... Lifetime access
Seriously insane freaking deal!!!!!!!!!
Happy Shopping Friends!!!