Has anyone ever said to you "don't worry, there's nothing to be upset about"? Or perhaps you felt that you 'had to be strong to get through the grief' of losing a loved one, because the alternative (ie falling in a heap and feeling ALL the things) was just too much to bear?
Or, like me, you've said to your kids "don't be upset now". You're not alone. If you're like most people, you stuff down plenty of those 'negative' emotions, ignoring them and hoping they'll go away, because they're just not pleasant. It's why a lot of people drink, take drugs or binge eat. They buffer to cover up the feeling of the emotions and make it all feel better.
But, have you ever wondered what that costs you? You do know already, on some level, that avoiding, disguising or buffering those emotions does not make them go away. But do you have any idea about why you need to make a choice about what you think and feel, and decide which things you should feel and which ones aren't necessary?
In this episode, Makaela gets into emotions. Why we really *need* to feel them, why they won't kill us if we do feel them, but they might if we don't and how we get to choose them. Yep - we can choose them.
So pop your earbuds in for your afternoon walk or work commute and enjoy!
If you want to jump onto the VIP Sneak Peak list for the book that Makaela is co-authoring "Letters to My Ten Year Old Self" then click here to jump in → http://bit.ly/10YOVIP
The authors are having a competition to see who can get the most VIP signups, so please, help a girlfriend out and click here, then choose my name from the list .... I really want to win .... And you'll get the VIP Behind The Scenes Sneak Peak! Thanks, Makaela.
Connect with Makaela in her free private Facebook Group - Deliberately Transformed, on Instagram @makaela.moore or makaelamoore.com or by email - [email protected]