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By AfterBuzz TV
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The podcast currently has 213 episodes available.
@happygojackie and @thecurvycritic are BACK @afterbuzztvand we are not alone. We're chatting ALL things Port Charles with the gorgeous and talented @briananicolee aka Jordan @generalhospitalabc about quarantine life and playing a strong, African-American police officer amidst today's issues. #afterbuzztv #GH #GeneralHospital #soap opera
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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Sasha finishes the photo shoot and Valentine and Peter stop by to check out the results. While Valentine is supposed to be a hands off investor he also knew how important the launch of the new Deception brand is and wanted to see the results. He also takes a moment to talk with Sasha and understand what it is like to do whatever is needed in the name of love.
Once Valentine leaves, the PA who supplied Sasha a vial of cocaine gives her another before she leaves. Sasha says that was a one time thing but the PA says to keep it “just in case”.
Sonny and Jason confront Julian at the courthouse about why he married Nelle. Julian doesn’t reveal anything but ones that he needs to tread carefully with Sonny.
Nikolas stops in at Turning Woods to visit Mike and tell about Spenser. He runs into Sonny and Jason while leaving and Sonny asks why he hasn’t responded to Spencer’s letter yet.
Elizabeth checks in on Mike and while Sonny is with him she takes a moment to talk with Jason about what she thinks Mike may want. Given her experience working with Alzheimer’s patients she thinks that a patient like Mike is ready to say goodbye.
Jason shares her thoughts with Sonny who is still wrestling with not being able to have the time to resolve everything he wanted to with Mike. Jason tells him that Mike loves Sonny and that he would want him to be happy. Sonny still isn’t ready to let his dad go though.
The invites to Ava’s unveiling of her new painting are going out and Franco and Elizabeth are both struggling with the complicated histories each has with Nikolas and Ava.
Nikolas stops in to visit Laura and deliver flowers. Lulu is there as well and is still frosty with Nikolas. He apologizes again about telling Charlotte that he was her personal body guard and also tells both of them a about Spencer’s letter. Laura tells him if he thinks about Spenser’s needs he will know what to do. He leaves and calls Spenser and says he has an answer.
Olivia calls a psychic to get help with Dante. Brook Lynn overhears and thinks Olivia is having an affair at first. Once the truth comes out Ned realizes that he has been too focused on the ELQ takeover that he failed to notice how much pain Olivia was in.
Nelle takes that stand and continues to lie about Brad stealing her baby which goes unchecked because there is no one to tell the real story. Diane makes sure to bring up the assault on Willow and the fake passports for Nelle and Wiley despite the evidence being stolen from PCPD.
Julian takes takes the stand as well to explain why he and Nelle are married. Diane makes sure to bring up that he held a knife to Alexis’s throat while they were married.
Sam comes to the courthouse to see the trial. During a recess, Julian steps outside to talk with Sam. She tells him that he is dead to her after this latest stunt.
Nina arrives and takes the stand to testify for Nelle. She says she will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...
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After much discussion Michael and Willow get married. They are planning on taking the ELQ jet to Vegas but Sonny says they should get married in Port Charles.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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Alexis, Sam, Kristine and Molly all have a Davis women get together where Molly shares she slept with Brando, Alexis shares she drank and Kristine and Sam get into it over whose to blame for Sam Jason not being together and does Jason want to be with her.
Jason meets Brando at the gym where he shares that Sam and Kristine aren’t fans of his and that he is staying it Port Charles.
Mac talks with TJ and gets more information to lead him to TJ’s kidnappers. He’s also suspecting that Jordan knows more than she’s telling and tells her that he can talk to her but she rushes him off.
Curtis meets with Sonny and Jason to see what the next step is against Cyrus. Sonny tells him that he is taking it slow to make Cyrus feel comfortable before taking him out. Curtis doesn’t like the idea of leaving Jordan walking a tightrope rope.
Cyrus approaches Carly and Laura at the Metro Court and mentions that his is having a big party and extends invitations. Both pass.
Franco and Elizabeth get into an argument over his artwork and career. Franco says that Elizabeth wouldn’t understand his struggles because she isn’t a real artist. Elizabeth is offense and Franco feels terrible. Elizabeth sends him off to his paint session with Ava.
Ava and Nikolas argue after he receives a letter from Spencer saying he can be his father if he gets rid of Ava.
Ava says he can divorce her and give her 90 of the Cassedine fortune. Nikolas says he won’t do that and they are currently at a stalemate.
Sasha and Chase run into Michael and Brook Lynn at the boxing gym. Brook Lynn accidentally hits Sasha. While Michael takes her to GH, Chase gives Brook Lynn and citation. When Brook Lynn tears it up Chase arrests her.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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Charlotte overhears Laura and Lulu talking about Valentine not fighting for custody of her. Worried that he father is leaving town because of her, Charlotte leaves home and runs to Crimson where she finds Nina and Jax embracing. Charlotte yells at Jax to leave Nina alone. Nina and Jax talk with Charlotte and Nina also calls Valentine and Lulu to let them know where Charlotte is.
Valentine arrives first and is able to talk to a Charlotte and tell her how much she loves her. Charlotte begs how to stay with her. Lulu arrives and Nina talks with her to give Valentine more time with Charlotte. Afterwards, Valentine and Charlotte talk and agree that they need to do better as parents for Charlotte.
Brando goes to Charlie’s to get food and runs into Sam and Kristina. Molly sees him talking to her sisters and as he leaves the restaurant she wants to know if she’s said anything to her sisters about sleeping together. Brando says no and heads back to his garage and let’s her know her car is ready.
Molly tells her sisters she slept with Brando. Kristina says she’s happy for her and Sam is concerned. Molly says she loves TJ and wants to be with him. TJ meanwhile is picking up the car at Brando’s garage. Brando and TJ talk about the car and a little about Molly but Sam arrives after and sends TJ off with the car. She stays and lays into Brando about staying away from Molly. Brando had no intention of messing with Molly and resents Sam sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Molly arrives shortly after and sends Sam home and stays to let Brando know that she made her choices the night they slept together and apologizes that everything played out the way it did.
Brando goes to Sonny’s to meet with he, Dev and Jocelyn. Sonny says the kid’s stay at home situation is over and they can go out with their friends like normal. He also tells Brando he can return to Chicago. Brando tells Sonny he’s changed his mind and wants to stay in Port Charles.
The reason Sonny feels confident letting Dev and Jocelyn resume their normal lives is that he meet with Cyrus and struck a deal that Cyrus can live in Port Charles but none of his product can run through the city. Cyrus agreed to this because he wants Sonny to think he’s won but instead plans on taking out Jason.
Finn goes to talk with Chase and Chase fries to convince him that he and Willow are over because he slept with Sasha. Finn doesn’t believe it and gets Chase to admit the truth - that he and Sash did this so Michael and Willow can be together and take care of Wiley.
Fin says that Willow’s choice is based on a lie and that Chase needs to fix it before it goes to far. Chase agrees but when Willow shows up at his apartment he sticks with the original lie.
Carly shows up at the Metro Court and sees Sasha. Michael told Carly what has happened and after taking with Sasha she realizes that this was all a set up to get Michael and Willow together. Carly tells Sasha not to confirm this because then she would know and have to tell Michael the truth. Instead she tells Sasha that a woman that would do something like that has her respect.
Nelle also hears about what has happened with Michael, Sasha, Chase and Willow and when she sees Michael in the park she said floats a deal by him that she will let Michael see Wiley once a month and every other holiday and will also drop the lawsuit against his grandmother if he agrees with her custody terms.
Michael angrily reacts the offer and once again realizes he must make sure he wins sole custody of Wiley.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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Sonny is trying to deal with Mike’s declining medical condition. His father has had a couple seizures and doesn’t want to eat. Elizabeth stops by Turning Woods to check in on Mike and also suggest to Sonny that he gets an NDR for Mike.
Because Sonny is handling the situation with his father, he tells Jason to call off the meeting with Cyrus. Already at Charlie’s for the meeting, Cyrus uses the cancellation to try to get Julian to work with him. Julian isn’t interested.
Lulu arranges an interview with Cyrus at the Metro Court. Carly isn’t thrilled to have Cyrus there. Laura joins as well and let’s Cyrus know she has been doing her research on him.
Valentine has a conversation with Charlotte about why she put the snake in Ava’s purse. Charlotte tells him she learned it from him. She saw him push Ava over the balcony at Wyndemere. Valentine is saddened to learn that his actions have impacted his daughter like this and asks to speak with Laura. He tells he that she needs to teach Charlotte how to be good because he can’t and that he won’t fight Lulu if she seeks full custody of Charlotte.
Neil and Alexis deal with the fallout of the the night together coming to light. Neil is suspended from practicing and Alexis is waiting to hear back from the NY Bar association.
Diane also gets Alexis and Sam together to mend fences after their terrible argument. It works though Diane is mad that Alexis lied about sleeping with Neil at his hearing.
Chase and Sasha decide that the only way to get Michael and Willow to marry each other and protect Wiley is to make them think they are cheating on both of them with each other. Willow walks in on Sasha and Chase kissing on the couch and it starts the ball rolling. Willow and Michael believe it and Chase and Sasha are devastated even though they believe they did the right thing for Wiley.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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Maxie says farewell to Obrecht before she goes overseas for trial. Robert tells Obrecht he will continue to try to bring Peter down.
Lulu and Brook Lynn continue to spar despite Dustin’s best efforts at peacemaker.
Valentine and Laura meet to discuss Charlotte’s custody. He’s willing to keep the joint custody in place and is asking Laura to her Lulu to do the same.
Maxie and Lulu meet and Maxie tells Lulu that she is working with Valentine at Deception. Lulu tries to tell her she can’t but Maxie shits that down quickly by saying that she wasn’t asking permission.
Nikolas and Sonny finally talk and Sonny lays into him about what he did to Spencer and even goes so far as to say that he is more of a father to Spencer that Nikolas is now.
Vilot’s birthday party is in full swing. Robert arrives and pretends to bury the hatchet with Peter but he doesn’t buy it and bits a plan in motion to distract Robert.
Charlotte reluctantly comes to the party with Lulu and also brings a snake with her as well. It seems like her plan is to put it in the piñata but after that last string is pulled and the candy comes out the children happily dive into it with no sign of the snake. Ava, also at the party with Avery, gets her purse to take a picture and screams as she finds the snake.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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Jordan, after more hand wringing and call places to someone (most likely a still alive Taggert), goes forward with the plan Jason and Sonny suggested and meets with Internal Affairs to say that her team set up Cyrus to get arrested.
Laura has a hard time buying this and asks Mac to look into what is really going on. Meanwhile, Laura sends Kevin to Pentonville to meet with Cyrus in the hopes that they can confine him to Shadybrooke instead of releasing him. Robert learns of this plan and says it won’t work. Laura is open to other ideas that will keep Cyrus off the streets until PCPD can find charges against Cyrus that will stick.
Molly goes to Jordan’s place trying to find out where TJ is. Not wanting to tell her what is really happening, Jordan goes in on Molly and makes her feel that TJ is gone because of her so she won’t keep looking for him.
Trina goes to meet her mom at the hospital and finds Curtis and Jordan there. They tell Trina what they just told her mom about Taggert faking evidence against Cyrus. Trina loses it and goes to talk to Ava. Ava tells her that the only person Taggert would have cared what they thought is her and if she loves Taggert then that’s all that matters.
Britt and Julian continue to hook up. Julian tells her that Alexis was involved briefly with Neil. Britt finally remembers where she saw him before - in New York at the hotel watching Neil and Alexis kiss in the hall before going into Alexis’ room. Julian is furious and feels that Neil manipulates Alexis. He heads to GH and angrily confronts Neil in front of Alexis and GH staff and says he knows that slay together in New York.
Alexis is deeply hurt and angry at Julian and tells him to leave. Britt also tells him that because of the way he acted their fun time is over as well.
Mike is having a hard time walking and doesn’t want to get in a wheelchair at GH. Sonny talks with Mike and convinces him to take a walk around the hospital. They run into Carly and Brando. Mike thinks Brando is dead. Brando explains that he’s not and Mike calms down but quickly asks Sonny to leave and later Tel’s hi that he doesn’t believe Brando or Carly. The only thing Mike wants to do now is go home.
Elizabeth finds Nelle on the GH roof covered in a tarp. Nelle has to stay on the room all night because Carly locked her up there and forged her signature on the medical authorization form allowing Wiley’s surgery.
Elizabeth takes Nelle downstairs where she finds Michael, Bobbie, Carly, Sasha, Willow and Chase waiting to hear about Wiley’s surgery.
Nelle demands that they get the authorization form to prove that her signature was forged. Bobbie tells her it was lost. Monica comes out and says the surgery went well but that the damage to Wiley’s heart was more severe than they thought and he’ll need another surgery in 6 months. Nelle tells Monica that she will need her written and verbal approval next time. Michael realizes that he needs to do whatever is necessary to get full custody of Wiley.
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurveyCritic)
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Michael brings Wiley to GH with a shortness of breath. Monica tells him that the heart defect he has, like Michael did as a baby, hasn’t corrected itself and elective surgery is needed. Because it is elective both parents must sign which means Michael has to get Nelle to agree. Nelle arrives and refuses to sign the release because she thinks there may be another option.
Laura stops by Sonny’s house to see if she can get Sonny to help stop Cyrus. Without giving any specifics, he lets her know that he is working on a solution.
Sonny and Jason realize that Jordan was the person inside the PCPD who helped Cyrus’s drug shipment get through. They go to talk to her because they realize that Cyrus must have TJ. Jordan tells them and Curtis that that is the case
Sonny and Jason tell Jordan to honor the deaths of her teammates and use that to pin the framing of Cyrus on them. That way she can remain free to take down Cyrus. Jordan doesn’t want to sully the reputations of her dead friends but it’s their best chance to take down Cyrus.
Nina hires Nelle as an assistant and Crimson. Carly overhears and goes off on Nina until Nina explains that she can now use this to keep and eye Nelle and testify against her at the custody hearing.
Brook Lynn is fired from ELQ for the social media mistake she made. She tries to convince Ned, Olivia and Michael that this is all Lulu’s fault but it falls on deaf ears. Brook Lynn calls her manager and says she will now sell her shares in exchange for getting her music contract.
Britt runs into Neal at GH and says he looks familiar. Spinelli tries to spy on Sam’s parole
Frank Moran (@happygojackie) Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic)
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Macie decides she’s had enough of being overlooked at Crimson by Nina. After all the hard work and times she has covered for Nina, Maxie wants a raise her title to reflect her effort. Nina agrees with Maxie but Jax sours those plans when he tells Nina that he can’t give her the money for Maxie because of their romantic relationship. It could be seen as favoritism if he gives her money and no other division money as well. Nina has to break to break the bad news to Maxie, who doesn’t take it well. Remembering the offer that Lucy made to her about joining Deception, Maxie quotes Crimson only to find out that Lucy doesn’t have the finances to bring her on yet. That is until Lucy makes a deal with Valentine to be a partner. With money secured, Maxie gets an official offer.
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The podcast currently has 213 episodes available.
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