Walking the Fairways segment of The Golfing Greenkeeper Podcast is proudly brought to you by Dint Golf Solutions www.dint.com.au and Colin Campbell Chemicals www.campbellchemicals.com.au
On this episode of Walking the Fairways there's extensive news from right around Australia! You'll get an insight directly from Jared Kendler, board member and lead spokesperson of Moore Park Golf Collective. Jared provides us with an update of where everything is at regarding the NSW State Governments plan to cut Moore Park GC down to 9 holes and the Moore Park Golf Collective groups alternative proposal that has been put forward to not only retain 18 holes of golf but also increase other public recreational offerings on the site.
There's lots of information regarding the opening of a number of completely renovated golf courses that are now open for play including Mount Lawley GC and Nedlands GC in Perth, along with the exciting redesigned NSW GC by UK based architects MacKenzie & Ebert.
We hear from Royal Perth Golf Club Superintendent Pat Casey about the opening of the recently completed stage 1 works of their golf course masterplan designed by co architects Clayton Devries Pont (CDP) and Kruse Golf. And there's an update about the mouthwatering prospect of preview play at 7 Mile Beach Golf Course in Hobart, Tasmania.
Join me on this lap around the country brought to you by new podcast partners Dint Golf Solutions and Colin Campbell Chemicals.
You hit 'em clean and we'll keep 'em green!
If any of the discussions in this podcast raised concerns with your mental health you can contact:
Lifeline (Australia): 13 11 14 or visit www.lifeline.org.au
Beyond Blue (Australia): 1300 224 636 or visit www.beyondblue.org.au
MensLine Australia: 1300 789 978 or visit mensline.org.au
People and places mentioned in this podcast:
Lakelands Golf Club
Gold Coast Festival of Golf
Moore Park Golf Collective
Moore Park Golf Course
Ballina Golf & Sports Club
Blackheath Golf and Community Club
Kew Golf Club
Riversdale Golf Club
Clayton Devries Pont (CDP)
Kruse Golf - Facebook
Arm End Golf Course
7 Mile Beach Golf Course
Glenelg Golf Club
Ryan Van Der Veen
Royal Perth Golf Club
Mount Lawley Golf Club
Wanneroo Golf Club
Nedlands Golf Club
Busselton Golf Club
Hartfield Country Club
Nigel Taylor - The Dirty Dozen Everest Challenge