This biggest mistake we’re seeing high level gymnasts make right now is…
Only eating WHEN and IF they “feel hungry enough”…
“my gymnast eats well” is 100% subjective
This can lead to "acute" underfueling.
And a lot of gymnasts are already chronically underfueled, so this is a double whammy to acutely underfuel on competition day as well.
Here's what we're seeing from gymnasts right now:
🤸♀️If the comp is early afternoon, they try to sleep in as late as possible and have 1 meal before getting dressed and out the door.
That ain’t gonna cut it.
I had this convo with one of my newest elite qualifiers this weekend.
👉🏻The comp was at 3PM. She had breakfast about 9:30/10 (a little later than I prefer, but I was a SUPER solid breakfast so I’ll take it).
👉🏻They were worried about trying to fit in lunch, getting dressed (didn’t want to eat a lot in a tight Leo), and also going to support her friends who were competing before her.
👉🏻We worked out a plan to fit in a solid pre-comp lunch and a little pre-comp snack as she was walking in.
And guess what!? She qualified!
Fueling = ✨Magic✨
Want to learn more?
We just published a brand-new FREE masterclass for parents of optional/elite competitive gymnasts! This is a must listen for all my gymnast parents (and coaches!) out there who are all wondering...Is my gymnast underfueled?
Click here to learn more in this new 45 min free training
Links & Resources
- The Balanced Gymnast® Program for level 5-10 female gymnasts
- Episode 04: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport and Gymnastics
- Connect with Christina on Instagram @the.gymnast.nutritionist or