This special episode sees Dr Susanne Smith Roley host a Q&A session at our Parkside Clinic.
Susanne is an occupational therapist with more than 30 years of experience in paediatrics.
She obtained her BS in OT at Indiana University, her MS in Allied Health Sciences at Boston University and her OTD at University of Southern California. She is in private practice in Orange County in Southern California and co-founder of the Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres Sensory Integration (CLASI).
She is an internationally recognised author and lecturer on the theory and application of sensory integration and managed to generously donate her time to feild some questions from our staff. Here she covers everything from managing burnout, the future of Sensory Integration, ASI® & autism, testing Adults using the EASI assessment and so much more.
So grab a pen and paper (or keyboard/computer), and get ready to take notes from insights from one of the pioneers of ASI® If you liked something we talked about, or you learned something from
listening to us, share it with your friends, family, uni classmates or
colleagues. The more people that know about occupational therapy, the
If you have any questions you'd like answered, please send a question
to the integration station via Instagram or our email
[email protected]