The 2025 Italian budget law has introduced changes that affect the costs of obtaining Italian citizenship by descent, particularly regarding application fees through consulates and municipalities (comuni) via Jure Sanguinis, and the court system. After receiving many questions about this topic following episode 146, this episode aims to clarify the updated costs and procedures for securing Italian citizenship for minors under the new regulations. In this episode of the Italian Citizenship Podcast, hosted by Italian attorney, Marco Permunian, and dual citizen expat podcaster. Rafael Di Furia, we’ll learn more about how these changes impact applications for minors, when fees apply, and the most cost-effective ways to include children in the Italian citizenship process.
For help with the Italian citizenship process and more information about Italian Citizenship Assistance visit ICA's website:
To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team of dual-citizenship experts and attorneys you can use the contact form on the Italian Citizenship Assistance website:
To see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual-citizen expat check out his YouTube channel and website:
#italiancitizenship #italiandualcitizenship #dualcitizenship
Topics & Timestamps:
0:00 – Intro & Opening Thoughts
0:50 - Italian citizenship through a consulate: what are the fees for a minor child?
3:58 - Italian citizenship through the administrative process through an Italian municipality: are those prices being affected by the budget update?
6:27 - Who can apply for Italian citizenship by descent in Italy and what to look out for in that case?
8:44 - If you want to apply for Italian citizenship in Italy, can you only go to the town where your family came from or are you able to go anywhere in the country?
11:39 - Considering the recent budget law update, have there been any changes for applying for Italian citizenship for minors that would be going through a court case?
14:12 - Closing Thoughts & Outro